NewsUEFA bans rainbow colors for Allianz Arena: network is...

UEFA bans rainbow colors for Allianz Arena: network is freaking out

As a symbol of tolerance and diversity, the city of Munich wants the Allianz Arena to shine in rainbow colors during the game against Hungary. But UEFA forbids it. In the network, it kindles a huge shit storm.

Munich – It should not only be a sign of more diversity in sport and society, but also a statement in the direction of the Hungarian government. Because she has just passed an extremely anti-LGBTQ law. The city of Munich wants the Allianz Arena to shine in rainbow colors before the European Championship game between the German national team and Hungary (Wednesday, June 23 at 9 p.m.). But the UEFA forbids the project. * reports.

Euro 2021: UEFA bans the lighting of the Allianz Arena in rainbow colors

Only the UEFA started investigations because Manuel Neuer was wearing a captain’s armband in rainbow colors. The alleged reason: Political statements are forbidden during the games of the EM 2021. The extent to which a symbol of equality should be a political issue – the responsible party does not provide an explanation.

The request to make the Allianz Arena shine brightly was welcomed by all parliamentary groups in the Munich city council. Mayor Dieter Reiter then asked in a letter to UEFA and the DFB for permission to “set an example in terms of cosmopolitanism and tolerance”. It was not granted to him. Many suspect that UEFA does not want to turn Hungary against itself. The background: the European Championship final, which should actually take place in London, may have to be postponed due to the corona situation there. Only Budapest seems to be an option (presumably because of the high number of spectators allowed there).

EM 2021: the reactions on the net speak a clear language

UEFA, which otherwise likes to be open and tolerant, is receiving a huge shit storm online. Satirist Jan Böhmermann asks “UEFA can ban Germany, Bavaria and Munich the freedom of expression?” Another Twitter user thinks “Germany, Bavaria and Munich could prove eggs and put a nice rainbow-colored line through the so-called bill.” Many demand that Munich itself overrides the ban imposed by UEFA. Some even want to pool for a corresponding contractual penalty.

There is also criticism from politics. The SPD General Secretary Lars Klingbeil finds clear words: “Dear UEFA, it is not that I expected much from you. But you’re even more embarrassing than I thought. Shame on yourselves! “His party colleague Katarina Barley goes one better:” Bucking in front of autocrats has never led to anything good. “She is right.

* is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA

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