NewsIn BR broadcast: Thomas and Lisa Müller show their...

In BR broadcast: Thomas and Lisa Müller show their stud farm – and reveal what they earn with the horses

Dressage rider and soccer star Lisa and Thomas Müller are known to run a horse stud. In a BR show, however, the two spoke more openly than usual – also about money.

Otterfing – Actually, the format that the actors Sebastian Bezzel and Simon Schwarz – known from the Eberhofer crime novels – shoot in the BR, seems rather unsuitable for the married couple Lisa and Thomas Müller. “We meet people who have left their old lives behind and do things completely differently,” says Schwarz in the intro to “Bezzel & Schwarz – Die Grenzgänger”.

Lisa and Thomas Müller show their stud in Otterfing in a BR broadcast

But the Müllers, as they reveal themselves in the course of the program, have hardly done anything else in their lives so far than: riding, playing football and breeding horses – after all, they are only 31 years old.

Nevertheless, a visit by the two actors to the Müller couple is of course not unexciting. Lisa and Thomas Müller have been a couple since they were 18 years old. Since 2012, the successful dressage rider and the national soccer player and foosball team of FC Bayern have been breeding fine dressage horses * in a stud in Otterfing in Upper Bavaria. And that is where Bezzel and Schwarz drive their “Grenzgänger” motorhome.

Lisa Müller breeds horses worth up to ten million euros with Thomas in Otterfing

The legitimate question about finances comes from Schwarz immediately after Lisa Müller enters the scene and greets the two actors at her stud: “What does such a mad horse cost?” Lisa Müller straight out: “Such an Olympic horse can cost ten million. Or a normal one that costs just 10,000 euros. ”In between, the viewer sees aerial photos of the stud in Otterfing, which is a considerable size.

A nice sum that the Müllers will probably earn with their breeding. Especially since the stud’s “super breeding stallion” earns 1,600 euros per sperm donation. But you are a real breeder only with “75 plus”, clarifies Thomas Müller when he joins the group. It takes a long time to have the necessary experience in breeding. And: “It doesn’t just live from success.” “It’s nice,” Lisa Müller adds shortly.

Lisa infected Thomas Müller with the “horse virus” – Stud in Otterfing 2012 taken over

Both Lisa and Thomas Müller have experience with horses. The rider got her first horse from her grandfather at the age of 14, as she tells Bezzel and Schwarz. But before that she was “infected with the horse virus”.

Thomas Müller then brought her to ride. The first attempt seems to have aroused the ambition in professional athletes. He almost crashed and was barely able to hold on, he says as he sits with his wife and the two actors in the stud’s lounge area. “So I thought it was appealing, I have to stick with it.”

It gets a bit funny and cross-border towards the end of the article. Bezzel and Schwarz take a riding lesson from Lisa Müller. One complains about his hip, the other speaks of “scrambled eggs”. And Thomas Müller laughs at the edge or comments on Schwarz’s “equestrian figure” – “they are often so bissl …”. Then the visit to the Müller stud farm ends – and Schwarz and Bezzel get back into their motorhome – off to the next borderline experience. * / lokales is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA * / muenchen is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA

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