Tech UPTechnologyVideo: How do lizards use their tails to stabilize...

Video: How do lizards use their tails to stabilize themselves when jumping?

The study of the movement of the lizards' tail has inspired a group of scientists to create a robot with an appendix in the back that manages to stabilize it when jumping. In this video you can observe in slow motion the results of the study and how the tail of these oviparous birds stabilizes them when jumping from one platform to another.

They create a cyborg cockroach that works with solar energy

Cockroaches could be used in search and rescue missions or for environmental monitoring in the future.

Robots dancing to the rhythm of music: this is how Boston Dynamics move

Permission to dance? The robot dogs and some robotic spontaneous acted in a video that was made in conjunction with a concert held in South Korea.

This is Optimus, Tesla's humanoid robot

Impressed? Tesla founder Elon Musk wants to build millions of robots like these and sell them for 20,000 euros a unit.

They create a robot that could cross the arteries and capillaries of the human...

The peculiarity of this tiny robot is that it can be divided into many parts and then put back together. It could be useful in drug administration.

Will robots be able to replace poets and journalists?

The AI can write linguistically correct texts, but what would it need to replace journalists or poets? Jesse Rosenberg, a researcher at the MIT-IBM Watson Lab, explains.
