FunA Brazilian tattoo artist becomes the 'human satan' after...

A Brazilian tattoo artist becomes the 'human satan' after 25 years of transformations

The protagonist of this story is Michel Faro do Prado, a Brazilian tattoo artist who, after 25 years of transformations, has become the ‘human satan’ . Since he turned 19 he had very clear what he wanted his appearance to be to become the devil on Earth and, judging by the result, we could say that he has achieved it.

Of course, the road has not been easy. He has had to undergo a large number of surgeries, many of them very complicated: in one they had to amputate his fingers, in another they had horns implanted on his head … Although all the operations he has undergone have been 100% voluntary , explains that the postoperative periods have been extremely painful .

«I have a good tolerance to pain, but the postoperative period is the most difficult time for me. The truth is that there are operations that, without anesthesia, would be impossible to perform. Sometimes I wish I didn’t feel so much pain »

It is very difficult to calculate how much it has cost him to become the ‘human satan’. The last intervention of Michel Faro do Prado has been to put a silver tooth implant , the price of which amounts to 800 euros. Despite the fact that many people around him consider his transformation a complete madness, this Brazilian tattoo artist has always had the support of his partner, who has been by his side during the process.

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A shared post from DIABÃOPRADDO😈🇧🇷❤️ DEVILUTION (@diabaopraddo)

Among the different transformations that have been carried out, some of the most striking are the following: embedding four horns on the head and forehead , implanting silver fangs, cutting off the nose and ears to make them look more pointed and tattooing the face of black.

“Black Alien Project”

Incredible as it may sound, this is not the first story of its kind that we know of. Let us remember the case of a 31-year-old Frenchman who has started his own “Black Alien Project”, a process of transformation to become an extraterrestrial . His last intervention has been to remove his nose. In addition, he has undergone many other transformations: he has removed his ears, his tongue is cut in half, he has implants in his head, he has all the skin of his body and face tattooed …

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