NewsA case of vigilante justice? Father beats up bullying...

A case of vigilante justice? Father beats up bullying teenager

In Bremen, a father beat up a 15-year-old boy because he is said to have threatened his son regularly. The police are investigating in both directions.

Bremen / Friesoythe – In the town of Friesoythe near Bremen there was an explosive incident between a father and a young person. The man is said to have thrown a 15-year-old on the ground and slapped him several times because he had bullied his son. This is reported by

Eyewitnesses filmed the crime and posted it online. The violent breakout occurred because the 15-year-old boy is said to have threatened his son more and more. “The boy has a long file with the police, house bans in a number of shops, will soon have to go to youth prison for three days. For months he has been threatening to stab my son. And first insulted him, then insulted me on the phone at night, ”the father told the Bild newspaper. In addition, there were insulting statements against family members and their religion.

Dispute in Bremen escalates: father beats teenagers – police are investigating

However, the situation only escalated after the teenager threw an object at the 40-year-old while riding past him on his bike. “I hit the palm of my hand. That shouldn’t happen. But I have to protect my children. This perpetrator is not a child. He’s a serious criminal, ”said the man. Some friends of the teenager lying on the ground had asked the father to leave him alone. An eyewitness of the dispute claims, however, that the fight between the young people was planned in advance. Then suddenly the father would have appeared too.

The police also secured a baton and a telescopic baton during the conflict. She is now investigating the suspicion of mutual bodily harm, insults and threats as well as the violation of the Arms and Art Copyright Act, since the video was distributed on the Internet. The boy’s legal guardians are said to have not commented on the incident so far. (Alina Schröder)

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