After the killing spree in Heidelberg on Monday (January 24), there is great sympathy and solidarity in the university landscape. The universities in Baden-Württemberg refer to security concepts.
Stuttgart – On Monday, January 24th, an act of violence in Heidelberg shook all of Germany. During a tutorial at the university, an 18-year-old shot and injured several students. A 23-year-old died from a serious gunshot wound, the perpetrator took his own life. The sympathy and solidarity in the university landscape in the southwest is great. At the request of BW24, the major universities in the country emphasized the security concepts and crisis plans.
BW24* reveals how the universities in Baden-Württemberg check their security concepts after the rampage in Heidelberg.
The incident at the University of Heidelberg was a shocking reminder of a school shooting in Winnenden (Rems-Murr district) in 2009. Even then, the universities in the country revised their security concepts. *BW24 is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.