NewsAnne Frank as corona dead - Everton FC spreads...

Anne Frank as corona dead – Everton FC spreads confused video

Anne Frank, victim of the Holocaust, was described as corona deaths in a video that Everton FC distributed. Club representatives are "horrified".

Liverpool – Premier League club Everton FC has distributed a video showing names and photos of victims of the Corona * pandemic. Among other things, a photo of Anne Frank appeared. The video was a compilation of fan submissions. It was distributed by Everton on numerous social media channels and was online for around seven hours.

When there was evidence that it contained a mistaken photo of Anne Frank, the Jewish girl who was killed in a concentration camp run by the Nazi regime in 1945, the club reacted very hesitantly, according to consistent media reports. The video was eventually deleted and a revised version shared.

The association declined to comment, as the British news agency PA reported on Sunday. According to this, however, several club representatives were "horrified" because of the embarrassing mistake. (tu) * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA

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