FunAstrologyAnne Will (ARD): Did the traffic light get its...

Anne Will (ARD): Did the traffic light get its "receipt" in the Lower Saxony election?

Created: 10/10/2022 9:07 am

Die Teilnehmenden der Gesprächsrunde von Anne Will (ARD) sprechen über die Niedersachsen-Wahl.
The participants in Anne Will’s (ARD) round of talks talk about the Lower Saxony elections. © ARD/Screenshot

During her talk show on ARD, Anne Will wanted to find out whether the traffic lights in the Lower Saxony elections “received their crisis policy”.

Berlin – Jens Spahn received the award for the formulation of the evening. The faction deputy explained the electoral defeat in Lower Saxony, among other things, by saying that the CDU was “not yet back in the presumption of competence” among the electorate. But he made it a bit too easy for himself, as became clear in the course of the show. Anne Will’s editors had chosen a title that looked like an anticipation of the election result: “Elections in uncertain times – will the traffic lights in the Lower Saxony election get the receipt for their crisis policy?”

Then they didn’t get it in Berlin, as Julia Reuschenbach explained. The federal political influences were “not serious”, according to the political scientist; the SPD benefited from the incumbent bonus. According to surveys, 68 percent are dissatisfied with Olaf Scholz’ government, but “the frustration has gone to the AfD,” said Robin Alexander. So the CDU “didn’t convert the penalty”, concluded the moderator.

Anne Will (ARD): CDU criticized after Merz’s statement about “social tourism”.

So if the CDU has positioned itself incorrectly, Anne Will wanted to know and received the pointed answer from Robin Alexander: “First you should know how the CDU is positioned.” And then the discussion became quite uncomfortable for Jens Spahn. Because, of course, Anne Will had Friedrich Merz’s derailment about the “social tourism” of those who fled from the Ukraine recorded. True, the annoyed Spahn claimed Merz apologized (which he hasn’t), but only to insist: “There is a problem”.

Anne Will (ARD) – broadcast on July 24, 2022 The guests of the show
Lars Klingbeil Party leader SPD
Ricardo Lang Federal chair of Alliance 90 / The Greens
Jens Spahn Member of the Executive Committee, Group Vice CDU
Julia Reuschenbach political scientist
Robin Alexander Deputy Editor-in-Chief “Die Welt”

Because some would come into the country and benefit from the social system “without anything in return, so to speak”. And when a deputy parliamentary group leader of the CDU uses such formulations, one can hardly contradict Ricarda Lang, who said that this populism has a method. What I mean is that the Christian Democrats would like to play with the fire of xenophobia a little again in order to win votes. But that, according to political scientist Reuschenbach, is very dangerous and pays into another voter account. What can be seen in the success of the AfD’s Nazi friends.

Anne Will (ARD): FDP in a trap in the traffic light coalition

The fans of the CDU and FDP could not even use the long-running AKW runtime. After leaving the state parliament in Hanover, the economic liberals are now practically trapped in the traffic light coalition, explained Reuschenbach. Christian Lindner and his party friends almost gave the impression of an “internal opposition” in the government; the temptation to distinguish oneself even more is dangerous, because there is no longer “much room for improvement”.

Anne Will in the first

The broadcast from October 9th, 2022 in the ARD media library.

Last week (October 2nd) the participants discussed the energy crisis at Anne Will’s.

Lars Klingbeil tried not to take Lindner’s statement that the role in the traffic light would be “reconsidered” as a threat. But Reuschenbach’s explanation for part of the government’s difficulties, that it is an “untested alliance”, will not help the SPD and the Greens in the face of renewed blackmail attempts by the FDP. (Daland sailors)

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