NewsBaden-Württemberg: Nosferatu spider now also in Karlsruhe and Pforzheim

Baden-Württemberg: Nosferatu spider now also in Karlsruhe and Pforzheim

Created: 08/05/2022 12:03 p.m

Mittelmeer-Spinne breitet sich in Rheinland-Pfalz aus (Symbolfoto)
Mediterranean spider is spreading in Rhineland-Palatinate (symbol photo) © Julian Stratenschulte/dpa

Since 2005, the Nosferatu spider has been spotted more and more in Germany, now also in Karlsruhe and Pforzheim. You can find out how dangerous the poisonous spider is here:

The animal from the curled-hunting spider family actually comes from the Mediterranean region and North Africa, but is now also native to other areas, including Germany since 2005. However, previous sightings came from Saxony, Brandenburg, Bremen or North Rhine-Westphalia.
HEIDELBERG24 reveals how dangerous the Nosferatu spider, which has now also been introduced to Baden-Württemberg, can be.

It’s not really big with its 5 to 8 centimeters “wingspan” – but it certainly looks scary. And it seems that we might see her more often in the future. (mko)

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