EconomyFinancialBars, cinemas and gyms: sectors benefited from the green...

Bars, cinemas and gyms: sectors benefited from the green traffic light in CDMX

After 15 months with a series of restrictions derived from the pandemic and already with downward infections, next Monday Mexico City will go to a green traffic light and with this some industries will resume activities or increase their capacity.

According to the government of Mexico City, in addition to school classes in person, there are other activities that may be resumed:

Restaurants and bars

The restaurants and bars that offer food service, one of the sectors most affected by the health emergency, will have a capacity of 50% with the new color on the traffic light. So far the enclosures operate at 40%.

They will also be able to increase their indoor service by one hour, until midnight.

The pandemic caused the definitive closure of 20,000 stores, which resulted in the loss of 400,000 jobs, of which 160,000 are direct, according to data from the National Chamber of the Restaurant and Spiced Food Industry (Canirac).

Restaurants must maintain the guidelines imposed up to now by local authorities, such as taking the temperature of diners, who have to wear face masks and maintain a healthy distance at the tables.


As of June 24, that is, two weeks after the green traffic light starts, cinemas will be able to operate with a capacity of 50%, the highest they have been allowed since March 2020.

So far, with the yellow traffic light, cinemas are operating at 40% of their capacity and 60% in VIP rooms.


The gyms may resume their classes in classrooms with a maximum capacity of 10 people. So far, these venues are allowed to operate at 30% of their capacity.

The gyms had already started operations last March.


Shopping centers will increase their capacity from 40% to 50% starting next week, which will ease the recovery of the sector that kept its stores closed for about five months.

Last week, Vicente Yáñez, president of the National Association of Self-service and Department Stores (ANTAD) estimated that the recovery, to reach the levels of 2019 towards the end of this administration.

Although the recovery is progressing: the accumulated sales until the fourth month of the year of the unionized to ANTAD amounted to 376,200 million pesos, 6.2% below the same period of 2019, the year before the pandemic, when the turnover of the unionized It was 401,200 million pesos.

With information from Mara Echeverría

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