NewsBavaria condemns Russia's actions - Söder draws important conclusions...

Bavaria condemns Russia's actions – Söder draws important conclusions for the Free State: "It's over"

The Ukraine crisis is coming to a head. Bavaria sharply condemned Russia’s actions. Prime Minister Markus Söder draws consequences for the Free State.

Munich – Markus Söder* and the President of the Landtag Ilse Aigner (both CSU) have sharply condemned Russia’s actions in the Ukraine conflict. At a state parliament session on Wednesday (March 23), Bavaria’s Prime Minister also announced that the Free State would no longer buy the Russian corona vaccine Sputnik V.

Russia-Ukraine crisis: Söder draws consequences for the Sputnik vaccine – “It’s over”

“The sovereignty and territorial integrity of a state is non-negotiable,” said the CSU* boss. The Russian approach is therefore “an unacceptable breach of international law”. Bavaria stands united on the side of the federal government and supports all measures that are currently being decided and initiated. The Baltic Sea pipeline Nord Stream 2 cannot now be realized either. “This is off the table,” said Söder.

He announced that Bavaria was no longer interested in the Russian vaccine Sputnik V*. In April last year, Söder announced that he wanted to buy 2.5 million doses of the vaccine.* The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has not yet approved the vaccine, so it cannot be used in Germany. But even if there were an approval, Söder said that given the Russian approach, it was no longer conceivable to continue the negotiations. “It’s over,” he emphasized. He also announced that he would provide medical protective equipment to Ukraine after a request.

Aigner condemns Russia’s actions: “Attack is unacceptable”

Ilse Aigner, dressed in the colors of Ukraine, said that the Russian Federation’s violations of international law were strongly condemned. “We are witnessing the beginning of a Russian invasion, a strategically planned campaign – unscrupulously disguised as a defense, based on propaganda and untruths,” said the CSU politician. “This attack on the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine is unacceptable.” Aigner emphasized that we stand unflinchingly with Ukraine “within its internationally recognized borders”.

Russian President Vladimir Putin recognized the separatist areas of Luhansk and Donetsk as independent states on Monday and promised them military assistance – despite international protests. The EU, the US and other countries then launched new sanctions.* They are intended to punish Russia, but also to discourage Putin from going further in Ukraine. (kam/dpa) * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA

List of rubrics: © Sven Hoppe/dpa/dpa-Bildfunk

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