News"Be inspired by Calli": "Lion's Cave" star Ralf Dümmel...

"Be inspired by Calli": "Lion's Cave" star Ralf Dümmel lost 10 kilos

Created: 09/10/2022, 11:50 am

With “The Lion’s Den”, Ralf Dümmel always hopes for a big catch, but the investor’s private life is now much leaner. The entrepreneur has already lost an impressive 10 kilos – also thanks to a prominent role model: Reiner Calmund.

Hamburg – At the moment, television viewers can once again root for “Die Höhle der Löwen”, because the new season of the show, which has been running successfully since 2014, again offers all sorts of innovations. However, the 12th edition of the Vox format was already shot last year. One investor in particular has changed since then: Ralf Dümmel’s pounds have tumbled down.

Ralf Dümmel does it like Reiner Calmund – the kilos tumble with the “Die Höhle der Löwen” star

As part of the jury for “The Lion’s Den”, Ralf Dümmel only works up a sweat when it comes to the next promising investment or when he has to fight a hot bidding war with his competitors. Now, however, the 55-year-old is also focusing on physical training.

„Die Höhle der Löwen“-Investor Ralf Dümmel, daneben Reiner Calmund (Fotomontage)
Do it like Calli: “The Lion’s Den” investor Ralf Dümmel has already lost ten kilos in a very short time. He took Reiner Calmund as a role model for his diet, who is said to have reduced his weight to a slim 90 kilos (photo montage) © Panama Pictures/Imago

“I’ve lost more than ten kilos,” revealed the entrepreneur at and then also explained which prominent role model motivated him in his diet: “I have the photos from the shooting [of “The Lion’s Den”; Editor’s note] and thought to myself, is that the little brother of my friend Reiner Calmund in the old days? That was three months ago. I didn’t feel good when I saw myself there. And then I got inspired by Calli.”

Reiner Calmund’s weight loss – from the 180-kilo man back to normal weight:

For many years, Reiner Calmund was the epitome of a real great guy, but that changed abruptly from 2020: The football official underwent a stomach reduction in January and lost almost 70 kilos by the end of the year. In 2021, the Rhinelander went under the knife again and had his fat apron, which weighed around ten kilograms, removed during an hour-long operation. In previous years he had repeatedly tried to lose weight, but then often gained even more through the so-called yo-yo effect. Through a lot of sport and a change in diet, he reduced his weight from 180 to 90 kilos. “So I’ve halved and feel really great,” he commented on his success at the time to

“Lion’s Cave” investor Ralf Dümmel reveals diet secret – interval fasting and personal trainer

For 15 years Ralf Dümmel did without sport, now he has apparently completely changed his lifestyle. His insider tip: “I use intermittent fasting, walk around the Alster for an hour in the morning and do exercises with a personal trainer.”

The new DHDL season is to start soon – the viewers will then probably see Ralf Dümmel in top form. His investor competition also attaches great importance to the look: “Lion’s Cave” star Dagmar Wöhrl recently showed her dream figure – not a trace of her 68 years! Sources used:

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