NewsBen Zucker is crying at Zarrella: Now his ex...

Ben Zucker is crying at Zarrella: Now his ex is speaking – "I fled from him"

Schlager star Ben Zucker spoke on TV about his secret love affair with the subsequent separation. Now his ex spoke up.

Halle – Ben Zucker was taken for almost a year, but hardly anyone knew about it. In January 2022, the Schlager * singer went public with his secret love story after the separation two months earlier. Since then he has apparently been trying to process the issue. For this he wrote the emotional single “How could that happen?”* and invited himself to the pop show of his colleague Giovanni Zarrella last Saturday evening (February 12) on ZDF* to talk there again about his bitter relationship experience. But what does his ex Suzann Jetzkus say about all this? The musician spoke for the first time in an interview and described her view of things.

Schlager star Ben Zucker cries at Zarella: Now his ex is speaking – “He makes money and PR with our love”

Zucker seemed to have found his great love in Jetzkus unnoticed by the public. The two moved to the Baltic Sea together, and a wedding is said to have been planned. But then the relationship broke up, which he finally reported on Zarella on ZDF. He suffered from severe lovesickness and separation pain, he said. While the hit star poured out his heart live on TV in front of an audience of millions, this appearance was not well received by his ex-girlfriend. “Ben puts out this song for Valentine’s Day, performs on TV in front of millions of people. Without warning me or asking!” She was annoyed with the picture and further: “He now makes money and PR with my feelings and our love. I feel abused!”

Ben Zucker: The most important information about the hit star

  • Name: Ben Sugar
  • Born on August 4, 1983 in Ueckermünde
  • Profession: musician, pop singer
  • Albums: “So what?!”, “Who says that?!”, “Especially now!”

Ben Zucker jealous: ex-girlfriend fled from pop star

A year after the two became a couple, the crisis began in September 2021. In addition to love, a strange feeling gradually set in, according to Jetzkus. One problem in particular bothered her: “Ben was jealous of everyone and everything that came too close to me. He is a person who wants everything to go the way he wants. I should only be there for him.” He even allegedly asked her to stop her music. At some point the situation should have escalated.

“After that I undressed in a cloak and dagger operation,” says Jetzkus. Since then there has been radio silence between the two. The musician – who wants to do her own thing with English-language pop – said she doesn’t want to be known for her ex-partner. When they met on the dating platform Tinder, she didn’t even know Zucker because Schlager wasn’t her music. “The fact that Ben is a well-known musician actually put me off at first. But we fell in love immediately.” Later she literally fled the relationship: “I fled from Ben, otherwise my health would have suffered.” (jbr) * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA

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