NewsBill Gates wants to build his own nuclear power...

Bill Gates wants to build his own nuclear power plants to prevent climate collapse

Multi-billionaire Bill Gates wants to use nuclear energy to stop climate change. Its own nuclear power plants are expected to supply the world with electricity before the end of this decade.

Microsoft founder and multi-billionaire Bill Gates has set himself a goal: to save the world from climate collapse. To this end, he would like to invest two billion US dollars in start-ups and projects to protect the climate over the next five years.

He called on the governments of all countries to quintuple their investments in climate innovation and clean energy within the next decade. In an interview with the Handelsblatt, the 65-year-old made it clear that preventing a “climate catastrophe” should have top priority for politicians.

In an interview with Harvard Business Magazine, Gates warned of the consequences of global warming: “At some point we will no longer be able to grow grain.” However, this can be avoided by reducing CO2 emissions, Gates writes in his new book “How we prevent the climate catastrophe”.

He calls for a reduction in carbon dioxide emissions to zero percent by 2050. In order for this to succeed, however, one must “change the physical economy at a pace never seen before.” Gates therefore considers CO2 taxes , a trade in pollution rights and alternative Energies such as wind and solar technology are absolutely necessary.

Bill Gates warns against unreliable power supply from solar energy

Bill Gates sees hydrogen as one of the saviors for the seething environmental misery*. If this were generated with renewable energy technologies, it would be possible to prevent the gigantic CO2 emissions from steel and cement production, for example.

Turning to solar technology, Gates told Handelsblatt that Germany had done the world a huge favor by subsidizing solar panels, but was equally critical of solar and wind being far from enough due to their unreliability in generating electricity.

For this reason , in his opinion , nuclear power is essential . Of course, Bill Gates wouldn’t be Bill Gates if he didn’t have a building block to solve the problem himself. With “Natrium”, the IT guru wants to develop a new reactor that is intended as a supplementary module in combination with solar and wind energy systems.

Although nuclear power does not have a good image in Europe due to its radioactivity , it generates energy free of CO2 emissions. While Germany under Chancellor Merkel* was trying, and it is also under the new traffic light government, to get by without fossil fuels and without nuclear power, countries such as Great Britain, France, Russia and China are open to nuclear power.

Good for Gates, because he plans to build his nuclear power plants across the entire United States and connect them to the power grid before the end of this decade. Unlimited energy without climate emissions. The earth would become “cleaner” as a result.

* is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA

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