NewsBrexit: Boris Johnson makes it clear that he will...

Brexit: Boris Johnson makes it clear that he will not ask for any extension "with or without agreement"

Boris Johnson has been unhappy throughout this Friday, after hinting that he intended to request a new extension for Brexit, set for the next and imminent October 31. The British Prime Minister said shortly after that such an extension is not being considered: "New agreement or no agreement, but no delay" he has assured. To do this he has resorted to his personal account on Twitter, where he has accompanied his message with hashtags or hashtags. support for the deadlines currently set, the aforementioned October 31 to leave the European Union. The 'premier' had already warned that he would rather be "dead in a ditch" rather than request a third extension. The British Parliament passed a law in September according to which Johnson would be obliged to request the postponement if there is no agreement or express permission of Parliament for a hard Brexit before October 19. A Scottish court is now examining a complaint by anti-Brexit activists who want to obtain a court order for Johnson to be doubly forced to comply with the law. The government, in documents forwarded to the court, has confirmed that Johnson has assumed its obligation to send the letter to the European Union, according to the BBC. However, Johnson's words on Twitter cast doubt on whether the government is willing to abide by what the opposition and a group of dissident 'Tories' are demanding of it. A Downing Street source consulted by public radio has acknowledged that the The law leaves little margin for action to the Government, but has indicated that said text "does not prevent (the Government) from doing other things so that there are no delays", alluding to "other private and public communications." "People will have to wait to see how everything fits," added the source.

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Conservative Liz Truss takes over as British Prime Minister

Liz Truss became the UK's prime minister and is the third woman to hold the post, having received the formal commission from Queen Elizabeth II.

Queen Elizabeth II: Downing Street apologizes

Late insight: Downing Street apologizes to Queen Elizabeth II for partying on the eve of the funeral of the Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Philip.

Corona deaths in Great Britain: Boris Johnson laments "terrible" toll

More than 150,000 people have died in Great Britain after being infected with the coronavirus - the country is one of the sad front runners.

Deaths in Great Britain: Prime Minister Johnson laments "terrible" corona toll

More than 150,000 people have died in Great Britain after being infected with the coronavirus - the country is one of the sad front runners.
