NewsBundestag elections, parental allowance, PayPal and Co .: These...

Bundestag elections, parental allowance, PayPal and Co .: These changes will come to consumers in September

There are many changes coming up for consumers in September. The overview with the most important innovations.

Kassel – September brings many changes for consumers again. As in the previous month of August, there are many new features * pending. Not only is there a change of government for the federal election, there are also changes again in matters of Corona * and laws. Here is a list of the most important new features:

Big change in September 2021: change of government with the federal election?

The most important change this month will probably be the federal election in 2021 * on September 26th. After 16 years in the Chancellery, Angela Merkel (CDU) announced that she would no longer be available as a candidate for Chancellor. In any case, a change of power is imminent in Germany, which, depending on the outcome of the election, could also bring about a completely new political orientation.

Armin Laschet (CDU), Olaf Scholz (SPD) and Annalena Baerbock (Greens) are currently fighting for the favor of the voters and entry into the Chancellery. The outcome of the election is still completely open – but according to a current trend survey, the SPD outperforms the CDU *. Armin Laschet recently dropped drastically in his polls, so that even the discussion about a change of the chancellor candidate to Markus Söder was in the room. An expert sees Laschet’s weakness as the reason for the CDU’s survey low.

If you are still undecided which party to vote for in the federal elections: This year there is again the “Wahl-O-Mat”. From September 2, 2021, voters will be able to use questions about their political position to find out which party best suits their convictions.

Parental leave and parental allowance are newly regulated

An amendment to the Federal Parental Allowance and Parental Leave Act will come into force on September 1, 2021. For mothers and fathers who work part-time during parental leave, the permitted working week increases from 30 to 32 hours. The weekly working hours are also changing with the so-called partnership bonus: If you take parental leave at the same time, the bonus can now also be taken with an average weekly working time of 24 to 32 hours and no longer – as was previously the case – with 25 to 30 hours a week, reports

In addition, according to, the amount of parental allowance paid will no longer change in the future if one falls ill during parental leave or is put on short-time work. The parental allowance should then be paid independently of income replacement benefits such as short-time work or sick pay. A relief for young families, especially in the Corona crisis.

Im September kommen auf die Verbraucher in Deutschland wieder Neuerungen zu: Eltern zum Beispiel können sich freuen, die Regeln zum Elterngeld werden angepasst.


In September, consumers in Germany will again see innovations: parents, for example, can look forward to changes to the rules on parental allowance.

Also new: Parents of premature babies receive additional months of parental allowance. For example, if the baby is born eight weeks early, the period of parental allowance increases by two months. In addition, in future only parents who together do not exceed an annual income of EUR 300,000 will receive parental allowance – for single parents this rate is EUR 250,000.

New corona rules in September?

In Hesse, a new Corona regulation * came into force on Thursday (August 19, 2021). The state continues to adhere to the incidence value as a guideline for the corona rules. The most important innovation of the regulation was the introduction of the 3G rule (vaccinated, recovered, tested) – this applies from an incidence of 35 in the indoor areas of all cultural and leisure facilities and sports facilities as well as body-friendly services (including the hairdresser) and when visiting facilities of the Disability assistance. Hotel guests who have not been vaccinated and who have not recovered have to present negative proof not only upon arrival, but twice a week.

Clubs and discos are also allowed to reopen in Hesse with the 3G rule – however, unvaccinated people must show a PCR test that is no more than 48 hours old. Numerous club operators in Hesse take sharp criticism of the rules * and still keep their clubs closed because it would not be worthwhile to operate. Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn (CDU) also felt the annoyance of the club industry – and was then open to openings. The Corona regulation in Hesse expires on September 16 – the number of corona cases is currently increasing in Hesse and nationwide, so that there could be some changes for consumers here too.

Vacation on the American continent possible again from September 7th

Holidaymakers can look forward to: From September 7th, entry into North America is again allowed for Germans. However, this does not apply to trips to the USA, but only to trips to Canada – and only for those who are fully vaccinated (exception: unvaccinated children under 12 years of age). A test or quarantine is not necessary, but Canada travelers must register with “ArriveCAN” before departure. Anyone planning a vacation or business trip should also find out about the current corona risk areas on the website of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) beforehand.

PayPal abolishes popular function in September

The digital payment service PayPal will discontinue its popular Moneypool function on September 30, as reported by With this function it was previously possible to collect money – for gifts, for example – without having to meet. According to PayPal, no more money pools can be created from the end of September. Why this popular feature is being discontinued is unclear. Experts suspect that the moneypool was also used for money laundering – but this has not yet been confirmed by PayPal.

New for September: Google Drive becomes more secure – bookmarks are history

Google Drive is used by many companies as well as private individuals to share files. Since this is partly sensitive information, Google has responded and is now making Drive more secure. Specifically, this concerns the creation of the links for sharing the documents. Nothing will change for users who have already opened the files or who have direct access – everyone else will have to make an access request in the future.

There are also changes to the popular Google Bookmarks function: It will be discontinued on September 30th, announced the search engine service. Until now, users could easily manage their bookmarks with bookmarks. If you don’t want to lose them, you should export the bookmarks to your computer by the end of September. (dir) * and are offers from IPPEN.MEDIA.

List of rubric lists: © Andreas Gebert / dpa

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