After your statements about corona vaccine deaths in an SWR program, criticism hails. Now the cabaret artist Lisa Fitz is drawing consequences.
Mainz/Stuttgart – The cabaret artist Lisa Fitz has increasingly made the headlines in recent months. In the SWR comedy show “Late Shift” from November 2021, she spoke of 5,000 corona vaccine deaths in Europe when she appeared. However, according to the European Medicines Agency (EMA), these were only suspected cases and a causal connection had not been established.
After her performance, criticism rained down. The cabaret artist Fitz was accused by critics of being a corona denier and opponent of vaccination. After the broadcast and criticism of the broadcaster, Südwestrundfunk decided to remove the said episode of the satirical program with Fitz from the ARD media library. It was also removed from all SWR platforms and channels because it was a false statement of fact. Lisa Fitz later denied the allegations and regretted her statement. Now she is drawing consequences.
After a controversial appearance: cabaret artist Lisa Fitz no longer wants to appear on SWR
After her sharply criticized corona statements, Lisa Fitz no longer wants to appear on the show “Late Shift”. “SWR regrets Lisa Fitz’s decision and would have liked to have continued the many years of very stimulating cooperation with her,” said Clemens Bratzler, SWR Program Director Information.
The cabaret artist also comments on her decision. On Facebook, she explained the reasons for her departure. She was by no means offended by the criticism of her “misstatement”. However, your script was already available to the editors and the explosiveness of the text was also clear to those involved. Nevertheless, she then stood “alone in the rain”. Fitz criticized the moderation by Florian Schroeder and emphasized that only one colleague had stood by her “emotionally”.
Cabaret artist Lisa Fitz gives reasons for saying goodbye to the SWR broadcast
“After decades of working together, I would have very much wished that the SWR management would stand behind me and give me the opportunity to make constructive corrections,” said Fitz. She subsequently commissioned research into vaccination damage and vaccination deaths, which confirmed the number of suspected cases. She would like to be informed about this as soon as possible.
The cabaret artist explains her farewell to SWR: “The new freedom also offers many opportunities to express opinions.” Fitz also announces that she wants to “publish the contributions elsewhere”. (slo/epd)