In a small town near the metropolis of Vancouver, a man shoots at several people, two of them die. Now there are first clues in the search for the perpetrator.
Langley – After two people were killed in the shooting in the western Canadian city of Langley, police have identified the gunman as a 28-year-old man from the neighboring city. The man, who was shot after the crime in a dispute with the police, was known to the police. The responsible police authority said on Tuesday that he had no criminal record. According to initial findings, he acted alone.
According to the police, the man shot at least four people early Monday morning in various places in Langley – a town with around 25,000 inhabitants near the metropolis of Vancouver. Two men died, one man and one woman were seriously injured. According to the first investigation results, the victims were homeless. It was initially unclear whether the suspect knew her or what his motive was. dpa