NewsCar drives in group of party guests

Car drives in group of party guests

Created: 08/21/2022 Updated: 8/21/2022, 5:06 p.m

Unfall in Bad Doberan
A car drove into a group of people at the racetrack in Bad Doberan early Sunday morning. © -/Volunteer fire brigade Bad Doberan/dpa

Terrible accident in Bad Doberan: A car drives into a group of people coming from a “foam party”. Four are seriously injured, one slightly. Many questions are still open.

Bad Doberan – A car drove into a group of party guests early Sunday morning at the racetrack in Bad Doberan in the Rostock district.

Four people were seriously injured, two of them seriously, the police said. They were taken to hospitals. Another person sustained minor injuries. “According to the information available, it is clearly an accident,” it said. The cause is still unclear. The police did not provide any details when asked on Sunday afternoon. The reports on the accident are not expected until the beginning of the week.

A nightclub used the traditional racetrack in the Baltic Sea holiday resort in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania for an “XXL foam party open air”. The people the car hit at around 3:45 a.m. were just about to leave the premises. According to the fire department, the accident happened on the feeder road to the racetrack.

The four seriously injured were taken to hospitals, one slightly injured person was treated on site. The Bad Doberan fire brigade said their mission lasted 115 minutes. She published a photo of the accident car, which shows that the windscreen was badly damaged. dpa

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