Carnival Cologne compact: All important decisions, information and news about the Cologne Carnival 2022 and the start of the session on November 11th. at a glance.
- On 11.11. the time has come: The Cologne Carnival 2023 starts.
- 24RHEIN gives an overview of the session opening 2023 on November 11th.
- This text is continuously updated.
Cologne – Only a few more weeks until the costume is dug out and the start of the Cologne Carnival session is celebrated. The special: The Cologne Carnival 2023 is a real anniversary session. The Cologne Carnival Festival Committee and many traditional societies are celebrating their 200th anniversary. But even if it is until 11.11. With only about four weeks to go, there are still many unanswered questions. “Carnival Cologne compact” by 24RHEIN gives an overview of the current developments in Cologne Carnival and provides information about 11.11. in Cologne.

Carnival Cologne 2023 compact: Stunk sessions are back
Not only the traditional carnival should be celebrated again this year: The stunk carnival is also celebrating its comeback – including several stunk sessions. Ticket sales for the stunk sessions start on October 29th. The ticket price is between 11.50 euros and 47.90 euros. (Updated October 25, 3:31 p.m.).
Carnival Cologne compact: The overview
► The session opening on 11.11. falls on a Friday this year. The motto of the session for the Cologne carnival is “200 years of Cologne carnival: Ov krüzz oder quer”
► Many details are still unclear, especially when it comes to the security concept for Zülpicher Straße.
► There are currently no corona rules for the Cologne carnival. However, individual bars and pubs rely on their own corona rules.
► Also this year there will be several session openings and parties for 11.11.
► While the designated children’s triumvirate for 2023 has not yet been officially announced, the Cologne triumvirate has already been determined: Prince Boris I, Bauer Marco and Jungfrau Agrippina rule the Cologne Carnival.
Carnival Cologne 2023 compact: party tourists celebrate on 11.11. Cologne into chaos?
Many questions about 11.11. are still open. There are still many question marks, especially at the party hotspot on Zülpicher Straße. For years, the area has been considered a celebration zone – also outside of the Cologne carnival. In the last session, however, the sad highlight.
Crowds of visitors climbed uncontrolled over the barriers and even injured security staff. The messy pictures went around the world – and even made it into the New York Times. Cologne agreed that this shouldn’t happen again. But there are currently no concrete plans – even four weeks before November 11th.
The city explained when asked by 24RHEIN that the security concept was still being worked on. The “final votes” are currently underway. Until then, many questions remain unanswered. The fear of chaos on 11.11. meanwhile continues to rise. It is still unclear when the city’s security concept will be presented. However, one thing is clear: there is not much time left.
Carnival Cologne compact: motto scarf with a special message – “diversity, openness, respect and pride”
There is also a special motto scarf for the special session: The 2023 motto scarf has a rainbow design and makes a clear statement. “Every Jeck can be whoever he or she wants to be at carnival. For us, carnival unites people in the heart, we celebrate life together, laugh, sing and sway together,” explains costume giant Deiters. “The colorful motto scarf of the 2022/2023 session combines exactly the topics that are important to us revelers: diversity, openness, respect and pride.”
Carnival Cologne 2023 compact: Are there Corona rules for November 11th?
There are currently no corona rules for the Cologne carnival, even if the incidence in Cologne is currently increasing. Only individual bars and pubs rely on additional corona rules. In the Bagatelle you can, for example, on 11.11. only celebrate if you show a negative corona test – and it must not be more than six hours old.
Carnival Cologne 2023 compact: Countless session openings and parties on 11.11. planned
The 2023 session is probably the first carnival session to run without strict corona rules and canceled events. On 11.11. Cologne is probably upside down again: the partying, drinking and swaying starts early in the morning. Whether it’s the traditional opening ceremony with Cologne bands at the Heumarkt, singing along to carnival songs in your favorite pub or checking out the clubs on the party mile – on 11.11. there is a lot going on in Cologne. 24RHEIN shows an overview of the session openings and parties on November 11th. are planned.
Carnival Cologne in a nutshell: Prince Boris I, Farmer Marco and Maid Agrippina are the Cologne triumvirate
The regents for the Cologne carnival have already been determined. Prince Boris I, farmer Marco and Maid Agrippina are a trio of Cologne. On 11.11. however, the three are still designated. Only when the princes are proclaimed in early January are they officially considered carnival regents. The motto of the 2023 session is “200 years of Cologne Carnival: Ov krüzz or across”. (jw)