NewsCharlène from Monaco reports from the clinic: You have...

Charlène from Monaco reports from the clinic: You have never seen her like this

A few days ago, Charlène broke her radio silence to announce her latest project. Now there is a first look at the comeback of the somewhat different kind of princess.

Monaco – It will probably be a while before Charlene von Monaco (44) fully recovers. As long as she is not fit enough to appear in person, there is at least a small consolation for all Royal fans – a manga with Charlène!* shows what Princess Charlène looks like as a comic character.

Charlene of Monaco is still in a clinic in Switzerland to be treated for “physical and emotional exhaustion”. While her recovery is progressing well, it may be some time before the 44-year-old is back on her feet. Prince Albert (63) had at least recently emphasized that his wife was doing “much better”. After missing out on her twins Jacques and Gabriella’s seventh birthday last December, Charlène is hopeful that she will be reunited with her family when Albert turns 64 on March 14.

Until there is a personal reunion, there is at least a small consolation from the 44-year-olds for their fans. A few days ago she broke her radio silence for the first time in weeks to announce her latest project – a manga! Now her followers can also take a first look at Charlène in comic style. * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.

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Apart from that, everything worked like a picture book for the railway world record in Switzerland
