NewsCharlène von Monaco: Princess reports from the hospital

Charlène von Monaco: Princess reports from the hospital

In South Africa, Princess Charlène of Monaco is undergoing an operation. The 43-year-old then reports to her fans from the hospital.

Monaco – Charlène of Monaco continues to reside in South Africa, where she recently had an operation. Since then, numerous fans of the royal family have puzzled over the state of health. Prince Albert II has already given the first details, now Charlène has done it himself – and given the all-clear.

The 43-year-old published several photos of her family on Instagram. Prince Albert announced days ago that a sick visit from Charlène in South Africa would be “in the next few days”, of course with the two six-year-old children Gabriella and Jaques. They can be seen next to their parents in the photos. Then Charlène cuddles with the two of them, Albert is in the background. Charlène commented on the photos: “I am so happy to have my family with me again.”

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The numerous fans of the Royals should have reassured Princess Charlène of Monaco for the time being. Because the photos confirmed Albert’s statements a few days ago. He stressed that his wife was on the mend.

Before Albert and the children set out on the trip to South Africa, the Prince’s aunt had criticized the royal marriage – and speculated that Charlène would probably not return to Monaco. In addition, the divorce of the two is imminent. Her second nephew, Prince Albert II, left her statements uncommented.

Check out this post on Instagram

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But Charlene reacted to the rumors about the marital problems in Monaco. The 43-year-old published a photo that shows her with her husband Prince Albert – both tightly embraced, arm in arm. (do)

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Charlene of Monaco is said to have recovered in the luxury clinic "Les Alpes".

Luxurious facilities, competent staff, idyllic location: The "Les Alpes" clinic, where Charlène von Monaco is said to have been treated, has a lot to offer.

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