FunChina plans to build an underwater railway line to...

China plans to build an underwater railway line to the US.

China, which has made incredible strides in its space program of late, also has one of the most incredible high-speed rail networks on Earth. But it seems that this record is not enough for him and he wants to do even more: the country wants to build an underwater rail line capable of connecting the United States. This is the 13,000 km submarine rail line that China plans to build The goal is truly ambitious and, according to The idea is reportedly to build rail lines from mainland China, through Siberia in eastern Russia, under the sea through the Bering Strait in Alaska, through the rocky peaks of the Yukon and into British Columbia in Canada. All this to finally reach the United States, an ambitious project that not only stands out for the many kilometers that are intended to be covered under water (more than 13,000) but also seems to have a rather high cost, given that according to the first estimates Of what it could cost to build this entire railway network, there is talk of a figure of around 200 billion dollars. The news, however, is nothing more than confirmation of a plan that emerged in 2014, when several news agencies published a report by the Beijing Times. Now more information has been provided and apparently, the name of the railway that would be called the “China-Russia-Canada-America line” has already been released and the hope of the companies involved in its construction since they consider that It would be a commercial, tourist and economic boom, but it is clear that the construction of the line will take years and will face some other challenges.Since the train would pass under the Bering Strait, it would require an underwater tunnel four times the size of the Channel Tunnel and even much more technological. According to experts, despite this “setback”, the line is feasible and, although Chinese engineers were already in talks with Russia to start it up, the project seems to be currently “suspended due to” very high costs “and is that the more than 200 billion mentioned, it seems that it will be without a doubt the great milestone to reach before anything else.In fact, according to experts, cargo ships as well as flights are obviously a much cheaper option to trade. In summary, we certainly will not see something like this soon, but China’s commitment to achieving this line is strong and who knows, in the future we may not be able to travel by train from China to the United States and furthermore, under the sea.

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