FunAstrologyChristian Lindner in the ARD summer interview: "Those who...

Christian Lindner in the ARD summer interview: "Those who vote AfD ensure black and green"

The FDP chairman presented his ideas at the summer interview in the first – and spoke verbosely about the contradictions. The TV review.

He wants to become finance minister. And has high hopes that it will work. Because he considers the question of the election winner on September 26th to be decided. A longer faded-in picture during the ARD summer interview showed Christian Lindner during an intimate handshake with CDU boss Armin Laschet. If that doesn’t fall on his feet …

But Christian Lindner is an optimist by profession and believes in the possibility of moving into the cabinet of a black-green-yellow coalition, Jamaica on the second attempt, so to speak. Interviewer Matthias Deiß saved him the question of the first time that Lindner pinched at the last minute. He does not want a traffic light, but as a precaution did not exclude it. There is “no sufficient common ground”, which he tried to reinforce by repeatedly shooting against the Greens. And whoever wants Germany to continue to be governed from the center, “must not leave black-green alone”.

So the free democrat emphasized that his “creative joy” was growing. How he wants to realize this, he has shown in almost countless television appearances. So he wants to keep the debt brake, but at the same time no tax increases and also completely abolish the solidarity surcharge (estimated costs for the treasury: ten billion). He wants to save by rejecting the “spending wishes of politicians”. Deiß let him get away with this crude polemic, otherwise trying to ask clear questions. Politicians such as Education Minister Karliczek or her colleagues Seehofer and Spahn would certainly forbid the necessary investments in air filters for schools, better digital infrastructure, better pay for nurses or more effective disaster control to be defamed as “spending wishes”.

FDP boss Lindner speaks verbatim in the ARD summer interview around contradictions

On other topics, too, Lindner talked verbatim about his contradictions, for example when Deiß held up a statistic that the FDP was the party of the higher earners. He wanted to enable private investments, so Lindner; but where should the hairdresser who asked for it, “invest” privately – in dryer hoods? It’s just the old song that the business liberals sing: Give the economy and it creates jobs and thus prosperity. Lindner called this the “causal relationship”. The massive reduction in jobs somehow does not fit into this context.

Surname Christian Wolfgang Lindner
Political party FDP
position Federal Chairman
old 42 years (January 7, 1979)
place of birth Wuppertal

The FDP proposal (which CDU man Friedrich Merz had also made) to improve the pension system with shares as an additional pillar goes similarly past reality. Sweden is a role model. The would-be finance minister had to be told by a Freiburg student that stocks can also fall. And in such a short-winded program like the summer interview there is hardly time for a mention or discussion of the Austrian model, where the civil servants also pay.

Report from Berlin – The summer interview with Christian Lindner

ARD, from Sunday, July 25th, 6:05 p.m. Available in the ARD media library.

FDP chairman Lindner: No more restrictions for vaccinated, convalescent and tested people

The fact that the Porsche driver Lindner did not want to say goodbye to the combustion engine when it comes to mobility and that (probably only in a few years) synthetic fuels came into play as an alternative is just as unsurprising as his plea for a “market-based decision” about the future the drive energy – without mentioning the not at all free-market frauds of the big automobile companies in the past few years.

Lindner’s stance on Corona was clear: there should be no restrictions for people who have been vaccinated twice, those who have recovered and those who have tested negative.

And after all, towards the end of the conversation, the politician got the opportunity to distance himself clearly from the AfD when ARD man Deiß asked him who the last FDP prime minister was. Reinhold Maier, as Lindner believed, wasn’t. But a Mr. Kemmerich, who was elected in Thuringia with AfD votes. Lindner obviously found Deiß ‘question to be unfair. He called for people not to vote for the AfD, but among other things with a piquant justification: Whoever votes for AfD ensures black and green … (Daland Segler)

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