FunClimate emergency: the Earth is dying and climate disasters...

Climate emergency: the Earth is dying and climate disasters will be devastating

More and more scientists are requesting urgent measures from governments in the face of what they consider to be a climate emergency. A new study published in the journal ‘BioScience’ and carried out by 14,000 researchers from around the world, shows clear evidence that the Earth is dying . His vital signs are worsening at a dizzying rate and the future of humanity is worrying.

Climate disasters on Earth

As the study cites, in 2019 there were a large number of climatic disasters: extreme heat waves, floods, hurricanes, cyclones … Disasters that continue to this day. The floods in China already add more than 300 fatalities, while 50 people remain missing.

For their part, the floods in Germany and Belgium have claimed the lives of 170 people. In July there was also an unprecedented heat wave in Canada, where temperatures of 49 degrees Celsius were exceeded. An analysis by scientists from the ‘World Weather Attribution’ indicates that this unusual heat wave would have been “almost impossible” without climate change.

What are the scientists asking for?

Experts who defend the climate emergency theory consider it essential to focus on three short- and medium-term objectives. The first, and which many consider the most important, is to raise the global price of carbon with a very clear goal: to encourage industries to decarbonize the world.

The second is to conserve areas of biodiversity , which would lead to the elimination of fossil fuels. And, the third and final objective is the “unsustainable” exploitation of natural habitats, which would also significantly reduce the risk of disease transmission from animals to humans.

This is how climate change is affecting the oceans

Climate change has led to extreme weather disasters in recent years . Tropical cyclones, such as typhoons and hurricanes, have killed 1.33 million people since the early 1900s. In addition, due to the warming of the ocean waters, they are becoming more frequent and intense.

Since the 1970s , category four and five hurricanes have increased between 25% and 30% for every degree Celsis of human-caused global warming.

With the rise in sea level globally , floods are becoming more serious and common. According to the journal ‘Nature’, 250,000 kilometers of coastal land will be flooded by the end of the 21st century.

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