NewsCologne: Carnival despite the Ukraine war - "need an...

Cologne: Carnival despite the Ukraine war – "need an outlet"

The start of the Cologne Carnival 2022 was overshadowed by the incidents in Ukraine on Weiberfastnacht (February 24). Cancellation was out of the question.

Cologne – There are images that do not go together: while people in Ukraine fear war and death, the start of the Cologne Carnival 2022* is being celebrated in Cologne* with tens of thousands of revelers. Tens of thousands of people gathered on Weiberfastnacht*, especially at the popular celebration hotspot Zülpicher Straße – while a solidarity demonstration took place on Neumarkt and Mayor Henriette Reker canceled all carnival performances. The festival planned for Shrove Monday in the Rheinenergie Stadium* is also given the pictures from Ukraine will not take place.
24RHEIN reports how the start of the carnival was celebrated in Cologne – and why the Ukraine conflict resonated everywhere.

According to the head of the Cologne regulatory office, Wolfgang Büscher, there was no question of canceling the celebrations at the start of the carnival. "The young people need an outlet," he said at a press conference in the afternoon. (mon) *24RHEIN is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA

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