NewsColombia's Finance Minister resigns to promote "consensus" after violent...

Colombia's Finance Minister resigns to promote "consensus" after violent protests

The Minister of Finance of Colombia, Alberto Carrasquilla, resigned this Monday from his position, since his continuity in the Government “would make it difficult to quickly and efficiently build the necessary consensus” after consecutive days of violent protests in the country against the Tax reform presented by the Administration. Carrasquilla has met with the Colombian president, Iván Duque, in the Nariño Palace, who has accepted his resignation, and whom the former minister thanked “for the honor of having appointed him,” according to a statement from the Finance portfolio. The letter also indicates how Carrasquilla has transferred to the president that “the withdrawal of the initiative that he filed in the Congress of the Republic (the tax reform) is an opportunity to initiate and to provide a serene and constructive dialogue that leads to the consensus that the country urgently requires. ”In this context of escalating social tension, with Colombian streets full of protests against initiative since last week, the former head of the Treasury has regretted that his “continuity in the Government would make it difficult to quickly and efficiently build the necessary consensus,” collects ‘El Tiempo’. Carrasquilla’s resignation after the withdrawal of the tax reform project by Duque’s part was an open secret, since this was the great project of the former minister, as well as the flame that ignited the demonstrations in Colombian cities. “On the one hand, it is essential that the protection programs continue social and economic that began to expire since last March.On the other hand, in the absence of a gradual and orderly tax reform, the country’s macroeconomic stability would be seriously compromised, “added Carrasquilla in a resignation statement. Following the news, Duque confirmed that he had accepted Carrasquilla’s complaint Through his Twitter account, where he has also shown his «gratitude and respect always for his contribution (that of Carrasquilla) at the head of the economic team. During his tenure, important achievements were achieved, including an unprecedented social program to face the pandemic, “he highlighted. Duque has appointed José Manuel Restrepo, who until now was in charge of the Ministry of Commerce, as the new head of Finance . “Economist with a Master’s Degree in Economics from the London School of Economics and a Doctorate in Administration from the University of Bath, former rector of the Universidad del Rosario, and with an enormous vocation to serve the country,” Duque has described to the new minister. Despite the withdrawal of the project from tax reform, and the head of the Treasury and creator of the initiative, the National Unemployment Committee has convened for next Wednesday, May 5, a new day of protests. In a statement it has convened «once again all citizens to maintain and increase the actions of the national strike, and to carry out on May 5 a great democratic, peaceful and civilized mobilization that, in strict compliance with the biosafety regulations, demands from the Government the points outlined. They form this committee and have asked “to demilitarize the cities.”Among its demands is the negotiation of its emergency plan, which includes withdrawing the health reform and a basic income of one million pesos, reports ‘El Espectador’. This Monday was the sixth consecutive day of protests and mobilizations throughout throughout the entire national geography. Demonstrations have been registered in Bogotá, Medellín, Cúcuta, Cartagena, Duitama, Montería, Barranquilla, Ibagué, Cali, among other cities in the country. affected the public transport system. Also in Cali, one of the hottest points of these mobilizations, there have been blockades, which according to the local press, have caused a shortage of supplies in the city, since the entrances and exits to the urban nucleus have been blocked these five days of protests.

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