Newsconspiracy theory? Meghan Markle in the blind spot of...

conspiracy theory? Meghan Markle in the blind spot of a candle at the Queen's funeral

Created: 09/25/2022, 6:46 p.m

A candle goes up at Twitter. The light obscured Meghan Markle inside the church during the BBC broadcast of the Queen’s funeral. Was it on purpose?

London – While Meghan Markle (41) and Prince Harry (38) may have returned safely to the house, dog and children in Montecito in California on day four after the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II (96, † 2022), one wonders in Europe still wondering if the BBC Live broadcast of the service at Westminster Abbey was covered up by accident.

Was the placement of the candle on purpose during the live broadcast on TV?

The Duchess of Sussex’s face, already partially covered by her wide-brimmed black hat, was completely covered by a thick yellow church candle in the TV picture. The position of the candle raised questions from some viewers that could be interpreted in the direction of a Meghan conspiracy theory. The hashtag #Candle-gate soon caused buzz on Twitter. Was the place given to the Sussexes on the abbey pews meant as a form of humiliation?

In the meantime, the photo of the hidden mother of two has been accompanied by a translation of the text from Elton John’s (75) “Candle In The Wind”. Meghan was actually between her husband, Prince Harry and his cousin Princess Beatrice (34) in the second row behind King Charles III. (73) and other senior members of the royal family, including the portly Vice Admiral Timothy Laurence (67), the husband of Princess Anne (72).

Where was Harry’s brother Prince William?

Prince Harry’s brother William (40) sat in the front row with his wife Kate (40) and their two eldest children Prince George (9) and Charlotte (7). Going to church separated the two brothers.

On Twitter, the “candle gate” is quickly becoming a sure-fire success

Eine Kerze sorgt für Aufruhr unter Twitterern: Meghan Markle wurde in der BBC-Live-Übertragung der Beerdigung für Queen Elizabeth II. von einer Kerze verdeckt.
A candle causes an uproar among tweeters: Meghan Markle was obscured by a candle in the BBC live broadcast of Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral. © Starface/Imago & BBC

The photo with the unfavorable picture spread quickly and caused a stir, which the New York Post took up in a report. But despite the portal citing a palace source, the seating arrangement for the Queen’s grandchildren would have been by age, starting with the eldest grandchildren, Princess Anne’s son Peter Phillips, 44, and her daughter Zara Tindall, 41 not calm minds. After all, Anne’s children were not working royals and were placed in the front row.

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Many maintain that the predicament was intended as a humiliation by the funeral organizers for the couple because of a series of scandals after leaving royal office in January 2020, such as the racism allegation in the context of the interview with Oprah Winfrey (68) came, which is why the family is still at odds to this day. Sources used:, Twitter

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