Does multiple infection with the coronavirus and the associated build-up of antibodies confer immunity? Virologist Stöhr has an answer.
Frankfurt – The Omikron* variant has driven the number of corona cases in Germany to the highest level. Anyone who has been vaccinated and boosted is safe from a severe course, but not safe from an infection. But even after an illness has been overcome, protection against reinfection is not complete. The Robert Koch Institute therefore adjusted the duration of the recovered status at the beginning of the year. Many ask themselves the question of how many infections one is now immune to. The virologist Klaus Stöhr provides a clear answer.
Virologist Stöhr on immune protection: How many corona infections does it take?
Antibodies are proteins used by the immune system to fight against pathogens such as bacteria and viruses. During a corona infection, the body’s own defense system builds up a large number of antibodies in order to protect the organism from invading viruses in the future. It is assumed that after several corona infections have passed, the antibody protection reaches a threshold at which renewed infection would be impossible. Almost an immunity.
Virologist Klaus Stöhr thinks little of this thesis. “Neither the vaccination nor the infection offers one hundred percent protection against repeated reinfection, virus shedding and potentially severe disease,” the virologist is quoted as saying. An infection is comparable to a seat belt that tightens with each course. You can mitigate the effects in each case, but there is no immunity.
Corona infection increases vaccination protection
After the first infection with Sars*-CoV-2, the body begins to form antibodies. Depending on age and health status, an infection would reduce the likelihood of becoming seriously ill with Covid-19 by more than 50 percent, says Stöhr. In an interview with RTL, the expert describes the effect of vaccination and infection: “Infection after a previous vaccination will increase the already high effectiveness of the vaccination and, above all, make it more permanent. That should be sufficient for the vast majority of people to enter the endemic phase in anticipation of reinfection in the next few years.” (aa)