NewsCorona despite vaccination? Study from London provides insights

Corona despite vaccination? Study from London provides insights

A corona vaccination provides good protection against infection. Nevertheless, people who have been vaccinated can also become infected with Corona. A study from London provides information.

Hamburg – The vaccination against Corona continues. So far, over a million vaccine doses have been distributed in Hamburg. Almost 350,000 Hamburgers have already been vaccinated twice against the corona virus. But vaccination protection is not one hundred percent certain. None of the four vaccines available in Germany. This means: Vaccinated persons can continue to be infected with the virus despite complete vaccination protection – and pass it on.

A British study has now evaluated data from 1.1 million people who were vaccinated against Corona between December 2020 and May 2021. While 0.2 percent were infected with corona after the first vaccination, only 0.03 percent of all those who were fully vaccinated tested positive for Covid-19. Read here which symptoms occurred in the vaccinated *. Meanwhile, there was also the first case of a cerebral vein thrombosis after the Astrazeneca vaccination * in Hamburg – the woman is in a clinic. * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.

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