NewsCorona expert gives hope: "Two thirds of the way...

Corona expert gives hope: "Two thirds of the way are done"

In a Corona interview with the Fuldaer Zeitung, the immunologist Peter M. Kern from Fulda spoke about hopes thanks to the vaccines and the race against the virus.

Fulda – Although the delta variant of the coronavirus * is rampant in the country, Prof. Dr. Peter M. Kern (61) approached autumn more relaxed than last year * – at that time he spoke of a tsunami potential. Nevertheless, the immunologist from Fulda * warns against the illusion of believing that all deaths can be avoided despite progressive vaccination.

"I think we're pretty much at the beginning of the final third," said Kern. We would have covered two thirds of the way to immunizing the population. The virus "but just about the third blow with the delta variant". * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.

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