NewsCorona in BW: "Booster vaccination" - who gets the...

Corona in BW: "Booster vaccination" – who gets the 3rd injection?

Certain groups of people have been offered booster vaccinations since the beginning of September. Meanwhile, the vaccination centers close at the end of the month.

The vaccination rate has clearly lost momentum over the past few weeks. A good third of Germans have not yet received an injection. The federal and state health ministers had already agreed at the beginning of August that particularly vulnerable groups could have a third vaccination from September. In the meantime, the Standing Vaccination Commission (STIKO) has issued such a recommendation. HEIDELBERG24 * knows who can pick up the “booster syringe” now.

According to rough estimates by the state, a booster vaccination is an option for up to 1.7 million people in Baden-Württemberg in the next six months. Because in principle, booster vaccinations are – at least for the time being – only intended for certain groups of people. (mko) * HEIDELBERG24 is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA

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