NewsCorona loosening: Söder comments on folk festivals - "there...

Corona loosening: Söder comments on folk festivals – "there is no way to ban these festivals"

The corona incidence in Bavaria has increased slightly again. Prime Minister Söder commented on the holding of folk festivals this year. All news in the ticker.

  • Corona numbers in Bavaria: Incidence* is increasing, Regen district is the nationwide leader (see update from February 17, 8:53 a.m.).
  • Corona “walks” after easing? Interior Minister expresses “spectacle” suspicion (see update from February 17, 12 noon).
  • Markus Söder comments on this year’s folk festivals in Bavaria (see update from February 17, 3:56 p.m.).
  • This news ticker is updated regularly.

Update from February 18, 7.15 a.m .: The corona incidence in the Free State has increased slightly again. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) gave the value of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants per week on Friday morning as 1795.5. That’s 13.4 more than the day before. Bavaria is still the federal state with the highest incidence. In Germany, the value on Friday was 1371.7.

The two counties with the highest incidence nationwide are therefore Bavarian: for the Lower Franconian district of Miltenberg, the RKI gave a value of 2974.1 on Friday, and for the Lower Bavarian district of Regen 2782.2.

Corona numbers in Bavaria: Incidence increased slightly – significance is limited

The RKI recorded 46,640 new infections in Bavaria. The total number of cases rose to 2.44 million. The number of deaths rose by 26 to 21,015.

The validity of the data is currently considered to be limited. Experts assume that many cases are not recorded in the RKI data. Test capacities and health authorities are at the limit in many places, contacts are only traced to a limited extent. In addition, more and more people should no longer have their infection confirmed with a PCR test – in such cases, the infection is not included in the official statistics.

Update from February 17, 5:01 p.m .: The next corona infection among Söders ministers: After Minister of Health Klaus Holetschek two weeks ago *, Head of State Chancellery Florian Herrmann now follows. “No symptoms, but a positive PCR test,” the minister said on Twitter. He immediately went into isolation. “I’m really happy to be boosted and can only strongly recommend: Go get vaccinated, protect yourself and stay healthy!” This is the second time Herrmann has been infected with the virus. The head of the state chancellery had already tested positive for Corona at the end of 2020 *.

Update from February 17, 3:56 p.m .: Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) sees few obstacles to organizing folk festivals in Bavaria soon. “When the federal legislation expires, there is no longer any way for the state to ban this type of festival,” he said in Nuremberg on Thursday.

However, it makes sense to make uniform arrangements in order to plan the festivals with a high degree of security. Joie de vivre is desired, but also celebrations “with a good feeling”, emphasized the head of government. A round table on this subject is to be held in Bavaria next week. According to the previous resolution, the regulations of the Federal Infection Protection Act end on March 19th.

Future of the Corona “walkers” after the easing? Herrmann speaks out

Update from February 17, 12 p.m.: The opponents of the current corona policy, who are currently taking so-called “walks” onto the streets in many places, will remain active after the pandemic, according to Bavaria’s Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann. “We are observing that the inflow is decreasing due to the easing that has now taken place,” said the CSU politician to the Passauer Neue Presse (Thursday). “But I assume that some will look for new reasons to be able to make spectacles in the future.”

The protest marches were often deliberately not reported to the authorities, but were carried out as allegedly spontaneous “walks”. In the meantime, the vast majority of meetings would be reported again, said Herrmann. “The situation is easing at the moment.” According to the Ministry of the Interior, around 67,000 opponents of the corona measures in Bavaria protested on Monday, January 24th. Two weeks later there were around 48,000 people. Most of the scene’s protests traditionally take place on Mondays.

Herrmann warned against allocating the participants to one political side. “We are doing ourselves a disservice, politically and strategically, if we describe thousands of demonstrators as extremely right-wing when they actually aren’t,” he said. It turned out that the majority did not belong to the right-wing extremist scene and right-wing extremists were rarely the initiators. “These are different people – from vaccination opponents to corona deniers, sometimes with strange to absurd ideas that I can’t understand,” he said. The police assessment is that the majority come from the bourgeois to the left-alternative camp.

New corona rules in Bavaria from today – incidence increases slightly

Update from February 17, 8:53 a.m .: New corona rules have been in force in Bavaria since today – you can find an overview here. The corona incidence in Bavaria has meanwhile increased slightly again. On Thursday, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) gave the value as 1782.1 – that is 17.3 more than the day before. Bavaria was the federal state with the highest incidence. Nationwide, the value on Thursday was 1385.1.

The Lower Bavarian district of Regen was the nationwide leader with a value of 2787.4. The incidence in the Free State reached its peak last Wednesday at 1840.4, since then it has tended to decrease.

The current corona numbers for Bavaria

  • 49,051 new infections
  • 55 new deaths in 24 hours

However, the significance of the data is considered to be limited. Experts assume a high number of cases that are not recorded in the RKI data. Test capacities and health authorities are therefore at the limit in many places, and contacts are only tracked to a limited extent. In addition, the number of people who no longer have their infection confirmed by a PCR test is likely to increase – the infection is therefore not included in the official statistics.

Corona loosening in Bavaria: Söder also prevails at the Scholz summit – new travel rules are coming

Update 6:05 p.m .: In the decision of the federal and state governments there is an additional protocol declaration that Bavaria wanted to record in the decision. There, the Free State deals with the facility-related vaccination requirement, which Söder considers not “feasible”, which is why there has been a lot of criticism in recent weeks. Literally it says: “Bavaria is committed to facility-related vaccination requirements, but underlines the need for practical, nationwide enforcement rules. In particular, there must be no chaos in care at the start of implementation, which is why numerous open questions still need to be clarified. The dialogue that has begun between the federal and state governments must now be brought to a swift conclusion.”

The Free State is also concerned about the protection of children and young people in schools and day-care centers if the legal basis for protection against infection for the previous protective measures is no longer applicable or is weakened. A “contamination” of the young generation is unacceptable.

Corona in Bavaria: Söder also prevails at the Scholz summit

Update 5.30 p.m .: Prime Minister Markus Söder was satisfied after the federal state meeting. According to dpa, Söder said after the meeting that Bavaria was able to place two additional things: “We urgently need an emergency package after all measures have expired, especially for the schools. This is now the unanimous opinion of the federal states. ”At the request and application of Bavaria, there is now special attention here so that the final exams of the students can also be carried out well and under no circumstances can there be an infection in the schools.

In addition, Söder was satisfied that the quarantine regulations should be changed when traveling (see update at 5:10 p.m.). Families with small children in particular, who have not yet been able to get vaccinated, would be “greatly disadvantaged” with the current regulation when they go on vacation. It is not up to date to drive to an area that currently has a lower incidence than Bavaria and Germany, but is still on the federal list of high-risk areas.

After the Corona summit: Söder comments on the MPK via Twitter

Update 5:20 p.m .: Markus Söder commented on Twitter after the Corona summit. “Good MPK results: Our agreed timetable in Bavaria is now being used throughout Germany,” writes Söder. It is the right balance of caution, freedom and hope. Apparently, Söder will not make a live statement this time. He may already be on his way to Veitshöchheim, where the prime minister is taking part in the BR recording of “Fastnacht in Franken”.

Update 5:10 p.m .: Nothing changes for the Free State so far. Markus Söder had already announced easing for Bavaria yesterday, which will apply from tomorrow. However, the federal and state governments have agreed to revise the current regulation for the classification of corona high-risk areas.

“In order to take into account the incidences that have increased worldwide due to Omikron, the federal government will adjust the classification of the high-risk areas,” says the resolution of the federal and state governments. The aim of the adjustment is to make travel easier for families, “since children under the age of twelve are often not vaccinated and therefore cannot escape quarantine”. According to the participants, Söder had asked for exactly this (see update at 2:41 p.m.). He had described the current regulation as no longer proportionate.

Update 5:01 p.m .: As far as possible, all current corona measures in Germany will expire on March 20th. However, basic protection will still be needed, so the mask requirement and distance rules will be maintained. In some areas, the obligation to test will remain.

Update 4:55 p.m .: “The states and the federal government have apparently made the right decisions together in the last few weeks,” says Chancellor Olaf Scholz and points out that there has not been a complete lockdown. After two years, you deserve that things will get better again. But the pandemic is not over yet. The federal states would therefore continue to have the power to take necessary measures. “Despite the confidence, despite the fact that we are entering a spring when numerous restrictions are no longer applicable, there will be an autumn when the number of infections will rise again,” says Scholz.

Update 4:54 p.m .: The press conference after the MPK begins.

Update from February 16, 4:20 p.m .: The press conference after the federal-state meeting should start in 10 minutes. It is still unclear whether Prime Minister Markus Söder will also comment on any changes in Bavaria after the MPK. Apparently he had called for the quarantine regulation to be relaxed during the meeting (see previous update).

Söder demands adjustment of the quarantine regulation in high-risk areas

Update from February 16, 2:41 p.m .: Bavaria calls for an adjustment in the classification of corona high-risk areas. The current regulation, according to which areas with an incidence of 100 or more are considered high-risk areas, is no longer proportionate, said Prime Minister Markus Söder according to participants in the round of country heads. It must therefore now be considered whether the regulation is still correct. “We’re talking about an incidence of 100, while in Germany we have incidences of over 1,000.”

According to the information, the CSU boss emphasized that the adjustment is particularly important for those returning from travel with children. “It’s unacceptable for young families. We need a family-friendly new quarantine regulation for this.” According to the current status, all unvaccinated travelers returning from high-risk areas, including families with small children under the age of five, must be in quarantine.

According to reports, Söder’s speech met with approval from both the CDU prime minister and the SPD heads of government. The point should therefore come up again in the round with Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD).

MPK live today: Söder shares a photo on Instagram

Update from February 16, 1:05 p.m .: This Wednesday, the federal and state governments will meet for the next round of corona. Some has already been leaked (see previous update). On a long and busy day, however, there must also be time for a short break – including lunch. “Spicy food during the MPK,” Söder writes about a photo of his goulash soup on Instagram. Bavaria’s Prime Minister uses the hashtag #söderisst. “Bon appetite, lots of strength, good ideas,” wishes a follower. You can follow the results of the MPK for Bavaria and any statements by the CSU boss in this ticker.

Check out this post on Instagram


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Update from February 16, 9:17 a.m .: At the federal and state round on Corona policy on Wednesday, more far-reaching easing could be decided than previously planned *. A new draft resolution as of Tuesday evening, which is available to the AFP news agency, provides that there should no longer be a limit on the number of participants for private meetings of those who have been vaccinated and those who have recovered. Previously, a limit of 20 people was under discussion. The new paper has apparently been agreed between the Federal Chancellery and the State Chancellery. Business Insider magazine first reported on it.

Even with the further dismantling of corona protection measures, more far-reaching steps are now planned than in a draft resolution circulating on Monday. For example, a maximum occupancy rate of 60 percent instead of 40 percent should be allowed for indoor events. The number of 6,000 spectators must not be exceeded – the limit had previously been drawn at 4,000. For major outdoor events, the previous draft resolution had provided for a maximum occupancy rate of 60 percent. The new paper speaks of 75 percent. The maximum number of participants of 25,000 remains unchanged.

According to the plans of the federal and state governments, all far-reaching corona protection measures are to be lifted step by step by March 20th. Certain regulations, such as wearing masks on buses and trains, are to be retained after this deadline. The deliberations on the details of the procedure should begin on Wednesday around 2 p.m.

Bavaria decides on numerous easing: Now the federal government should follow suit – Söder calls for an exit strategy

First report from February 15: Munich/Berlin – The Omicron summit has been exceeded. That said on Tuesday, February 15, both Bavaria’s Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) and Federal Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach * (SPD). “We can see today that Corona has probably peaked,” said Söder at the press conference after the cabinet meeting. Numerous loosening for the Free State * were also decided on this. Is it time for the federal government to follow suit?

Before MPK, Söder calls for an emergency strategy from the federal government

From the federal and state round on Wednesday, Söder expects the course to be set for all of Germany – especially for the period from mid-March, when the legal basis for most corona protection measures is to expire. This is possible – but then a “basic pension package” is still needed, emphasized Söder*. This “protection package” must include things like the obligation to wear a mask, test questions and distance rules. Söder added: “And secondly, an emergency strategy for the fall should there be a new mutation, a new wave, which again has a different hazard.”

In some areas, such as the opening of clubs and discos, Söder does not want to press ahead, but rather wait for a nationwide regulation. “In gastronomy, we also believe that the path from 2G to 3G is possible, and also that you can go to 2G plus in discos and clubs and bars,” he said. But we want to do that together. “Because it is very important for us that we don’t get any party or disco tourism in the end. But that should be decided uniformly, especially at the sensitive point.”

Holetschek sharply criticizes the federal government before the MPK

It remains to be seen to what extent the Bavarian demands will be met. Mainly because the tones from Bavaria to the Scholz government were more than combative in advance. Health Minister Klaus Holetschek (CSU), for example, hardly left a good hair on the work of the federal government in his government statement before the Bavarian state parliament. He wonders what the governing coalition has actually done: “Nothing at all,” said Holetschek. One must acknowledge that in Berlin “one mistake after the other” is committed.

However, while the massive easing in Bavaria will already take effect on Thursday, the nationwide easing seems to be a long way off. In a draft resolution that was announced in advance, easing* is only planned for the end of March. At the beginning of spring 2022, “the far-reaching restrictions on social, cultural and economic life are to be gradually lifted,” it says. However, it remains to be seen whether the first easing at the federal level will take place before that. (tel with dpa) * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA

List of rubrics: © Sven Hoppe/dpa

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