Tech UPTechnologyCuriosities about Jupiter that maybe you did not know

Curiosities about Jupiter that maybe you did not know

Jupiter is part of the planets of the outer solar system, that is, of the gas giants. It does not have a solid surface, it is all gas. It has many curiosities that intrigue us, among others, it is the planet that rotates the fastest in our entire system (it rotates 28 times faster than the rotation speed of the Earth), since 1 Jovian day only lasts 10 hours (9 hours and 55 minutes), has the shortest day of all the planets in the solar system ; however, a year on Jupiter lasts 12 Earth years (11.86 Earth years, to be more exact).

Another of its most striking features is the impressive "Great Red Spot" of the giant planet: a century-old storm bigger than Earth.

The planet Jupiter is named after the Roman king of the gods for good reason. It is the largest planet in the solar system and has more moons than any other planet. It is the fifth planet from the Sun in the solar system and the largest of all. It is also one of the brightest planets in our skies; only the Moon, Venus, and sometimes Mars are brighter than he is. It has faint rings, numerous moons …

Another of its milestones is that it emits more energy than it receives from the sun. It has an internal heat source. The pressure inside it is so high that hydrogen exists in a fluid metallic state.

Its magnetic field is stronger than that of any planet, with a magnetosphere so large that , if it could be seen from Earth, its apparent diameter would exceed that of our satellite, the Moon.

Do you want to know more curiosities about this giant of the solar system? We continue!

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