NewsCutter knife and needle line: How to make the...

Cutter knife and needle line: How to make the pumpkin face

Created: 10/26/2022, 11:21 am

Mit Cuttermesser und Nadel-Linie: So gelingt die Kürbisfratze
Large pumpkins are easier to work with, especially for children. © Kai Remmers/dpa-tmn

How does the pumpkin get really evil eyes and a giant mouth? And which tool is best for this? Tips come from experts who know the orange vegetable.

Berlin – It belongs to Halloween like a scary-beautiful ghost costume, bloody-looking cocktails and sacks of sweets: the pumpkin face brand “homemade”. In many families it is part of the ritual that parents and children give the orange pumpkin ball a scary face.

But what about newcomers to the Halloween circus? Or with those whose copy failed last year? No problem – the Federal Association of Fruit and Vegetable Producers’ Organizations (BVEO) gives tips on how best to tackle the hard skin of the pumpkin fruit: dpa

  • Large pumpkins are easier to work with than smaller ones. Large pumpkins are a better choice, especially for children, as the flesh is softer and easier to remove.
  • Draw on the pumpkin face with or without a template and cut out using the lines. It is advisable to use water-soluble pens so that superfluous lines can be wiped away later.
  • If you puncture the pre-drawn lines with a needle, it will be even easier to cut out the flesh afterwards.
  • A carpet knife can be used to carve particularly filigree patterns into the pumpkin.
  • Field gourds are particularly good for carving. Their pulp is fibrous.
  • A pumpkin rarely comes alone: It is best to use pumpkins of different sizes. This creates a particularly beautiful ensemble.
  • Clever: simply leave the pumpkin greens on the lid. This gives you a natural grip that you can use to lift the lid.

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