NewsDeath of Queen Elizabeth II: German TV stations change...

Death of Queen Elizabeth II: German TV stations change programs

Created: 09/08/2022 8:44 p.m

6. September 2022 auf Schloss Balmoral: Queen Elizabeth II. wartet auf die neue Vorsitzende der Konservativen Partei, Liz Truss, um sie dazu einzuladen, Premierministerin von Großbritannien zu werden.
6 September 2022 at Balmoral Castle: Queen Elizabeth II waits for the new Conservative Party leader, Liz Truss, to invite her to become Prime Minister of Great Britain. © Jane Barlow/Pool PA/AP/dpa

Queen Elizabeth II is dead, the British Queen died at the age of 96. ARD, ZDF and RTL react and change their TV programs at short notice.

Update from September 8, 8:05 p.m .: As ARD has just announced, Das Erste will broadcast a special on the death of Queen Elizabeth II from 8:15 p.m. The public broadcaster will change its program at short notice after the news from Great Britain. A special program is already running on television and in the online live stream on ZDF with the title: “ZDF special – Mourning for Queen Elizabeth II”.

Update from September 8, 7:33 p.m .: It is now official: Queen Elizabeth II is dead. The British Queen died at the age of 96 at her country estate, Balmoral Castle in Scotland. This was announced by Buckingham Palace on Thursday evening. This means that not only RTL is changing its program, special programs are now also running on many other TV stations in Germany.

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First report from September 8th: Munich/Balmoral – Queen Elizabeth II should not be doing well. She is under the supervision of her doctors. This was announced by the British royal family on Thursday (September 8th). “Following further developments this morning, the Queen’s doctors are concerned about Her Majesty’s health and have recommended that she remain under medical supervision,” the official statement from Buckingham Palace said. “The Queen remains at Balmoral and feels comfortable probably.”

Queen Elizabeth II: Concerns about the health of the British Queen

The new British Prime Minister also sounded concerned. “The whole country is very concerned about the news from Buckingham Palace at lunchtime. My thoughts – and the thoughts of people across our UK – are with Her Majesty The Queen and her family,” Liz Truss wrote on her Twitter account.

The whole country is very concerned about the news from Buckingham Palace at lunchtime.

British Prime Minister Liz Truss on Twitter

Almost the entire family has now rushed to the country estate of Balmoral Castle in Scotland to stand by the 96-year-old Queen. Prince Charles (73), his wife Camilla (75), Princess Anne (72), Prince Andrew (62), Prince Edward (58) and Prince William (40) are with her.

And Prince Harry (37), who mostly lives in the USA, comes to his grandmother in Scotland. His wife Meghan (41) stays at home. Both were only guests in Düsseldorf on Wednesday (September 7th). Prince William’s wife Kate (40) also stays with their three children at Windsor Castle on the south-western edge of London.

In the video: Queen Elizabeth II under medical observation

Because the situation is obviously so serious and the worst must be expected, the possible death of the queen, RTL changed its program at short notice. The TV station from Cologne is known for its royals coverage. From 8:15 p.m. there will be a 15-minute special on the subject with the well-known presenter Peter Kloeppel. The title of the show is: “Concern for the Queen”. Of course, the British TV stations in particular are also changing their programs.

Concerns about Queen Elizabeth II: TV station RTL changes its program

RTL presenter Frauke Ludowig will report live from London on Thursday evening. Nobility expert Michael Begasse should be switched on and provide initial assessments. Meanwhile, partner broadcaster ntv has been reporting all day from Buckingham Palace, the official residence of the British monarch in London. (pm)

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