NewsDelta variant: Suspected cases in Hamburg elementary school

Delta variant: Suspected cases in Hamburg elementary school

The coronavirus variant Delta was discovered at a Hamburg primary school in Lokstedt. All first grades were sent home.

Hamburg – Cases of the highly contagious Delta variant of the corona virus are said to have appeared at a Hamburg primary school. That comes from a report of the "Spiegel". The students of all first grades were then sent home. The Hamburg health department has not yet confirmed the cases, and investigations into identifying contact persons are still ongoing.

The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) meanwhile reports a threatening increase * in the corona mutant Delta B.1.617.2. in Germany. Cases have also become known in other cities, including Dresden and Hildesheim. According to the RKI, 24 cases of the Delta mutant have so far been documented in Hamburg. There would also have been three suspected cases.

Experts consider the variant to be extremely dangerous because it is many times more contagious than the known mutations. Scientists assume that Delta will dominate Germany by autumn. * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.

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