FunDid the Universe start with a Big Bang or...

Did the Universe start with a Big Bang or a Big Freeze?

It is possible that the universe did not begin its history with a great explosion, as the well-known Big Bang theory suggests, but was formed from a handful of liquid that froze to form ice , as a team of theoretical physicists has just proposed. from the University of Melbourne (Australia).

"Imagine a liquid primitive universe," explains James Quach, co-author of a paper published in the journal Physical Review D. "As the universe cooled, the material crystallized into three space dimensions and one time dimension, just as it is now and as Einstein described it." From this point of view, he adds, " as the universe has evolved, cracks and fissures have arisen , similar to those that form when water freezes into ice and it cracks." If these cracks exist, they could be detected when light and other particles curved or reflected as they passed through them, so that physicists could check whether the theory is true.

There is a mirror universe invisible to our eyes, says a new study

Have we solved the Hubble constant problem? An invisible 'mirror world' of particles that interacts with the universe solely through gravity could hold the key to solving this crucial cosmological problem, according to a new study.

There is a mirror universe invisible to our eyes, says a new study

Have we solved the Hubble constant problem? An invisible 'mirror world' of particles that interacts with the universe solely through gravity could hold the key to solving this crucial cosmological problem, according to a new study.

This is theory that says what was there before the Big Bang

One of the problems with physics is that its two great theories, general relativity and quantum theory, get along like a cat and a dog. Although we have been searching for a quantum theory of gravity for more than half a century, the truth is that the results are quite disappointing.

What will the future of the universe be like?

It was born 13,800 million years ago and it still has its rope for a while. It may or may not have an end, but everything we see today will eventually disappear.

Big Bang Evidence Expansion Universe Cosmic Microwave Background

The Big Bang was the starting signal for the universe, and we know this from several independent observations that all point in the same direction.
