FunDiscover psychological concepts with the 9 phrases of Abraham...

Discover psychological concepts with the 9 phrases of Abraham Maslow

On June 8, 1970, the psychologist Abraham Maslow, known as the founder of humanistic psychology, dies, something that is still followed today. We pay tribute to you so that you discover psychological concepts with the 9 best phrases of Abraham Maslow on the day of his death.

We know it by the so-called pyramid of needs, where the human needs are, in a hierarchical way, from highest to lowest priority.

Satisfaction of the need for self-worth leads to feelings of self-confidence, worth, strength, ability, and sufficiency, of being useful and necessary in the world.

In order to invent or create it is necessary to possess the “arrogance of creativity” that many researchers have pointed out. But if you only have arrogance without humility, then you are paranoid. We must be aware not only of the divine possibilities in us, but also of the existential human limitations.

We can orient ourselves towards defense, security or fear. But, on the opposite side, there is the option of growth. Choosing growth over fear twelve times a day means moving towards self-realization twelve times a day.

Studies of mentally healthy people indicate that, as a defining characteristic, they are attracted to the mysterious, the unknown, the chaotic, the disorganized, and the unexplained.

Self-actualization is an ongoing process. It means making all the many decisions one by one about whether to lie or be honest, whether to steal or not at any given time, and it means making each of those decisions as a growth option. It is a movement toward self-realization.

In short, the musician must play, the painter must paint, and the poet must write, if they want to live in peace with themselves. 9 best quotes from Abraham Maslow

I wanted to show that human beings are capable of something more transcendent than war, prejudice and hatred. I wanted to get science to consider all the problems that laymen have handled: religion, poetry, values, philosophy, art. I continued with them trying to understand the great people, the best specimens of humanity that I could find.

If we examine the desires that, on average, we have in everyday life, we find that they have an important characteristic: they are generally means to an end rather than ends in themselves.

The only rival of one is his own potentialities. The only failure is failing to live up to your own possibilities. In this sense, every man can be a king, and must, therefore, be treated as a king.


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