NewsDiscussion on the compulsory vaccination for the nursing staff...

Discussion on the compulsory vaccination for the nursing staff – Lindner: "She will come"

The corona numbers are increasing. The elderly and the sick are particularly at risk – even after vaccination. Politicians are therefore discussing compulsory vaccination in nursing professions.

District of Fulda – Whether a general vaccination is mandatory for everyone in Germany is an open question. But this obligation should come for certain professional groups. At the Prime Minister’s Conference on Thursday, the federal states asked the federal government to introduce compulsory vaccinations for all employees who have contact with particularly vulnerable people in facilities such as hospitals and nursing homes.
What operators of old people’s homes in the Fulda district say about the compulsory vaccination for nursing staff, reveals *

FDP leader Christian Lindner – long opponent of mandatory vaccinations – is certain that the obligation for nursing staff will be resolved. “In the meantime, the federal and state governments have spoken out in favor of a facility-related vaccination requirement. That’s why it will come, ”said Lindner of the Süddeutsche Zeitung . Among the employees of the nursing homes in the district of Fulda *, the proportion of those vaccinated is significantly higher than among the population as a whole. Nevertheless, many employees are not vaccinated against Corona *. * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA

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