NewsDonald Trump leaves the White House without waiting for...

Donald Trump leaves the White House without waiting for Joe Biden's oath: "We will return somehow" | USA

Donald Trump (New York, 1946) is already history, or not. The 45th president of the United States has left the White House after four years in the most powerful office on the planet. The Republican has left the presidential residence accompanied by his wife, Melania Trump, four hours before the inauguration of Joe Biden. In his farewell from Andrews air base, before taking Air Force One to his mansion in Palm Beach (Florida), he left an enigmatic phrase: “Goodbye, we love you and we will return somehow.” time since 1841, when Martin Van Buren did not attend William Henry Harrison’s swearing-in, in which the outgoing President will not be at his successor’s inauguration ceremony on the Capitol steps. , accompanied by the music of The Village People, Trump has reviewed the achievements of his mandate. «It has been four incredible years. We have achieved a lot together “, he said before thanking his team and the first lady.” I will be watching “” I will always fight for you. I will be watching. I’ll be listening, “he added before wishing” great success “to the Biden administration, as, in his opinion,” has the foundations to do something spectacular over the next four years. ” Later, and while Frank Sinatra’s My Way was playing, he embarked with Melania on Air Force One towards his new residence in Florida.Trump said in a video Tuesday that he “prays” that the Biden Executive is “successful” in “keeping America safe and prosperous,” while rejecting the attack on the Capitol carried out by dozens of his supporters on 6 May. January, something that will not prevent the New York tycoon from being subjected to a second impeachment – the first president in the country’s history to be subjected to two impeachments – for “inciting insurrection.” Trump’s transition to Biden It is the most tense in history. The two leaders have not held a single meeting, after the Republican has denounced that he has been the victim of an electoral fraud that has taken the presidency from him, something that he has not been able to prove before any court. The 45th North American president leaves without recognizing his defeat at the polls and abandoned by a large part of those who have been his supporters during these four years. Today no member of his Cabinet has accompanied him at the farewell. The leader of the Republicans in the Senate, Mitch McConnell, was especially hard on his leader of the ranks a few days ago, whom he accused of having provoked the assault on the Capitol. Still, Donald Trump maintains broad popular support: Four-fifths of the 74 million Americans who voted for Trump insist there was electoral fraud. The enigmatic “we’ll be back somehow” with which he has fired, added to “the movement has only just begun ”, which he said on Tuesday, adds fuel to the informative fire that The Wall Street Journal has fueled these days by publishing that Trump is evaluating with his closest collaborators the possibility of leaving the Republican Party and founding his own Patriot Party.A new day in America The new era that Biden inaugurates will arrive without the heat of the public in the Mall of Washington, something unprecedented. It is the first time it will happen since the first president of the United States, George Washington, was sworn in on April 30, 1789 in New York City. It’s a new day in America. – Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) January 20, 2021 The Democratic leader has celebrated the day despite everything. “It’s a new day in America,” he wrote on his personal Twitter account after spending the night at the Blair House, the official residence for guests in Washington. The day of the new president of the United States will start with a mass attended by his vice president, Kamala Harris, before the group travels to the headquarters of the North American Congress.

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