NewsDonald Trump: previously unknown video material is revealed

Donald Trump: previously unknown video material is revealed

There are numerous explosive videos with Donald Trump. Another shot will be released soon.

New York – Donald Trump has been confronted with unpleasant video material on several occasions. One example is the Access Hollywood Tape from 2005 (“Grab them by the pussy”). The 2015 video of making fun of a disabled reporter has also achieved notoriety.

Most notorious, however, are definitely those mysterious recordings that are said to have been made in Russia. In a dossier by former MI6 spy Christopher Steele, it was said that Trump was filmed having paid sex in Russia. It is said that the almost legendary “pee tape” that is almost legendary in the USA and whose existence is still widely speculated about to this day is said to have been created. In any case, the fact is that Steele himself believes that the peeing video exists, as he only explained in an interview with ABC News in October 2021: It is very likely that it exists, but he cannot with 100 percent certainty to say.

Incidentally, it is also a fact that Donald Trump himself apparently feels obliged to deny the existence of that legendary video from time to time. As the Washington Post recently reported, Trump only emphasized in a somewhat bizarre speech to Republican lobbyists on October 14th that he had nothing in mind with that fetish, or, to quote his original words: “I ‘ m not into golden showers. “

New video: Donald Trump gives testimony under oath

Just four days later, on October 18, 2021, a new video with Donald Trump was made – this is also still unknown. However, it is not about various sexual practices, but about an affidavit on a civil suit from 2015. At the time, a group of protesters sued Trump personally, the Trump Organization and members of Trump’s security team. These are said to have attacked the women and men at a rally in front of Trump Tower in New York. After stalling during Trump’s presidency, the case is now picking up speed.

Trump himself is concerned because at his rallies he has often urged people to be violent towards those who disrupted his events. As reports, Trump received a summons to the house and had to answer questions from the legal team for four hours in Trump Tower on October 18. Which parts of the testimony will be shown to the jury is still open. So far, judge Doris Gonzalez has only decided that the case will begin on May 2, 2022 with the selection of the jury.

In a statement following the testimony, Trump spoke of “gratuitous harassment” but said he was “delighted to have the opportunity to tell my side of this ridiculous story.”

Further civil lawsuits are pending against Donald Trump

However, Trump will have to prepare for further statements under oath, after all, numerous civil suits have been initiated against him after leaving the presidency. Another court in New York ordered him to give an oath before Christmas in the defamation suit of the former “Apprentice” candidate Summer Zervos. It is about allegations of sexual assault, which Trump rejected and called the accuser a liar. (cs)

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