More space and more sun for the kangaroos in Dresden Zoo. The new enclosure was financed by donations.
Dresden – The giant red kangaroos in the Dresden Zoo will be able to make significantly larger jumps in the future – thanks to more space in an enlarged facility. The new enclosure with an area of 900 square meters was opened on Thursday. In contrast to the old shady quarters, the kangaroos now also find sunny places. The weather cooperated right from the premiere.
According to the zoo, the area at the old antelope house was redesigned for the giant kangaroos and transformed into a sun oasis for the Australian marsupials over a three-month construction period. Guests can enter the facility via a curved visitor path and observe the animals up close. The cost of the enclosure is 190,000 euros and was financed by donations.
Red kangaroos are the largest marsupials in the world. Standing upright, they reach a height of about two meters. They can travel at a good 50 kilometers per hour and feed on plants. They also achieve impressive values as “high and long jumpers”. With one leap they can jump up to nine meters and reach a height of two to three meters. dpa