NewsDrought in Hesse: outdoor pool water in Bad Schwalbach...

Drought in Hesse: outdoor pool water in Bad Schwalbach becomes irrigation water

Created: 2022-09-02 2:53 p.m

Das Wasser aus dem Freibad in Bad Schwalbach soll bald eine neue Bestimmung finden. (Symbolbild)
The water from the outdoor pool in Bad Schwalbach should soon find a new purpose. (Iconic image) © Monkey Business 2/Imago

In view of the drought and drought, creative ideas are needed. This is why fields and gardens in Bad Schwalbach can be irrigated with swimming pool water.

Bad Schwalbach – The hot summer of 2022 poses great challenges for everyone. Nature is struggling with the drought – and that in turn causes problems for farmers and gardeners in Hesse. In Friedberg (Wetterau district), for example, the groundwater level has fallen significantly this year. The persistent heat and drought is very difficult for trees and shrubs, some of which have already started to change color in autumn or have shed their leaves completely.

Creative solutions are required to deal with the persistent drought. Such an idea is currently making the rounds in Bad Schwalbach (Rheingau-Taunus-Kreis) in southern Hesse: This year, the water from the outdoor pool can be pumped out by farmers and citizens in order to irrigate fields and gardens.

Swimming pool water for irrigation: Around 800,000 liters of water would end up in the sewage system

The idea came from swimming champion Richard von Rijn. “The water has to be drained from the pool at the end of the season anyway. And given the dry summer, it would be a shame to just dump it down the drain,” he told the newspaper.

For the winter time, the water level in the outdoor pool is to be lowered by around 80 centimetres, which corresponds to 800 cubic meters or 800,000 liters of water. This water can therefore be pumped out by citizens at the end of the season. But can the water, which is regularly treated with chlorine in swimming pools, be used for watering at all?

In Bad Schwalbach, outdoor pool water becomes irrigation water: water is dechlorinated

The water can be used without hesitation: after the end of the outdoor pool season next Sunday (September 4th), the water will be cleaned and dechlorinated for a week. Since chlorine is a very volatile element that quickly decomposes under the influence of heat and UV rays. After about a week, the swimming pool water is of safe quality, explains van Rijn.

The idea is not entirely new this summer: as early as July, the water from indoor swimming pools (closed due to the gas crisis) was used in many cities to water plants. There were such measures in Nuremberg, Würzburg and Münster, for example.

Swimming pool water for irrigation in Bad Schwalbach: Imitators welcome

Van Rijn also hopes that his idea will spread: He has already received initial inquiries from other swimming pools in the region – there is often uncertainty as to whether the water can be used in this way. “Somebody has to start with ideas like this – in this case it was me,” he explains.

Pumping can take place between 8 a.m. and 1 p.m. from Monday September 12th to Thursday September 15th without prior notification. Other periods are possible by telephone agreement with lifeguard Richard van Rijn, who can be reached on 06124/1520. (con)

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