NewsDuchess Kate getting thinner – does she want to...

Duchess Kate getting thinner – does she want to get pregnant again?

Not for the first time, the Duchess of Cambridge’s super-slim silhouette is at stake. But the rumors about a fourth pregnancy do not want to be silenced either. Is there a connection?

London – Duchess Kate (40) has always been fit and slim. After her three pregnancies, she was physically in top form again within a very short time. But lately, new tones have been mixed into the discussion about her almost skinny appearing physicality. The Duchess of Cambridge has been particularly slim since the beginning of the year, and rumors of a fourth pregnancy are particularly common. reveals how this fits together.*

The mother of three recently visited Abergavenny* market with her husband Prince William* (39) as part of her visit to Wales to find out first-hand about local agriculture.

In a video posted to Twitter, the couple exchanged confidences as they met a group of moms and babies. Kate beamed as she rubbed William’s back and told him to check out the beautiful babies.

Just a few days earlier, Duchess Kate* confessed to her solo appointment in Denmark* that she felt “brooding” when she saw babies and caused a sensation with jokes. William always worries when she hangs out with children under the age of 1 because she comes home and wants “one more”.

With their three children together, Prince George* (8), Princess Charlotte* (6) and Prince Louis* (3), the couple is already causing enough turmoil in the Royal Family*, on the other hand, if they really want another child, it applies there is no time to waste for Kate at 40. But that needs to be well thought out, after all there is also the other side when it comes to the desire to have children. * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.

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