NewsEndometriosis: "I'm afraid of not being good enough"

Endometriosis: "I'm afraid of not being good enough"

It is a disease that has long remained hidden. One in ten women have it: endometriosis. Three women reveal how they deal with symptoms, diagnosis and pain.

Berlin / Bremen / Mühlheim – diagnosis of endometriosis: "The disease ruined my life." * Many women think this or something similar about the "chameleon of gynecology". The diagnosis gnaws at one's self-confidence, also because women suffering from endometriosis often cannot have children. "The topic of children is currently not in the foreground for me," explains one of the women. She is currently not in a relationship, and yet one topic keeps her busy: "I'm afraid that I'm not good enough because I don't know whether I can have children," she honestly admits.
Three women at reveal the consequences endometriosis has on their lives and how they deal with it

Still, endometriosis hides behind many faces. Franziska from Bremen had to wait a long time for someone to take her symptoms and complaints seriously. "The period pain was so severe that I passed out from it," she says. Nausea, gas, digestive problems, dizziness, back pain. The severe period pain was passed on to her anxiety disorder until a visit to her gynecologist and a casual comment finally shed light on the darkness. * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.

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