FunEnjoy a good watermelon in summer with these tricks

Enjoy a good watermelon in summer with these tricks

Watermelon is, along with melon, the star fruit of every summer . 90% of its composition is water, so it hydrates the body in depth and has a great diuretic effect, something necessary in the hot months that await us. In addition, watermelon improves cardiovascular health and improves the immune system. If we add to this that it has an exquisite flavor that we can enjoy and that we can enjoy at any time of the day, watermelon becomes our best friend during the summer season. Now, when we go to buy it, how can we know if the watermelon is good? These are the best tricks to enjoy one of the most anticipated fruits in summer.


The first thing we have to look at is the shape of the watermelon. We have to look for a round one, that does not present any lump or protrusion. What if you have any? It means that it has not received water or light evenly, so it will not taste very good.


One of the best ways to know if the watermelon is good is to look at its weight. If when you take it off the shelf it weighs a bit more than it seems at first glance, this is a very good sign! This means that it has a lot of water inside it and therefore it is very sweet and tasty.


Of course, we must take into account the color of the watermelon. It is easy to get carried away by intense and bright tones, but it is just what we should be. The darker it is and the less shiny the crust is, the better. It is a clear indication that the fruit is ripe and has a delicious flavor. We also have to pay attention to the base. If it is dark yellow, the watermelon has been resting on the ground.


One of the best tricks to check if the watermelon is at its optimum ripeness point is the following. You have to give it small touches with your finger. Is the result strong and hollow? It is the fruit we want. Is the sound weak and does it sound somewhat echoing? The watermelon has yet to mature.

As you can see, knowing if a watermelon is good is not complicated at all. Finally, we want to emphasize that it is one of the healthiest fruits that exist. It barely provides 23 kilocalories per 100 grams and has antioxidant properties thanks to the lycopene in the pulp. It also contains magnesium, potassium and vitamin A. Very low in calories and very high in water!

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