NewsEpstein confidant found dead in cell in France

Epstein confidant found dead in cell in France

Causa Epstein: Another man escapes his trial. Fashion entrepreneur Jean-Luc Brunel has been found dead.

Paris – The imprisoned French fashion entrepreneur Jean-Luc Brunel is dead. As the public prosecutor in Paris confirmed on Saturday (February 19, 2022), the 76-year-old was found dead in his prison cell in France, afp reported.

According to information from the newspaper “Le Parisien”, Brunel was found hanged in his cell on Saturday night. This information is said to have leaked from judicial circles to the French newspaper, as the dpa reported. Brunel was imprisoned in La Santé prison in Paris.

Causa Epstein: Serious allegations against Jean-Luc Brunel

Jean-Luc Brunel was a former business partner of sex criminal Jeffrey Epstein, according to the afp. Epstein was found dead in a New York jail in August 2019. He was accused of multiple abuses of minors in the United States. He was also accused of having placed minors with accomplices for sexual exploitation with other influential men. The sex criminal also had a luxury apartment in Paris.

Jean-Luc Brunel wanted to leave the country in December 2020 via Charles-de-Gaulle Airport in Paris. However, he was arrested at the airport. Several of his ex-models had previously accused him of rape, according to the afp. Brunel was investigated for “rape of minors over the age of 15” and “sexual harassment” in two cases and for the rape of a minor.

Epstein and Brunel Collaborating on Rape Ring?

There was also a suspicion that Brunel could have contacted and organized young girls for Jeffrey Epstein, according to the dpa. The public prosecutor’s office had already initiated investigations against Brunel in the summer of 2019. At that time, the rooms of his Paris model agency were also searched.

The indictment against Brunel alleges that he “may have organized the transportation and lodging of young girls or young women for Jeffrey Epstein,” according to afp. In this case, the accused was initially classified as a “witness with legal counsel” on the offense of “serious trafficking in human beings”.

Brunel and Epstein deaths: No justice for their victims

Several ex-models had reported rape allegations against Brunel after Epstein’s death, as reported by afp. As early as the late 1980s, such allegations against the founder of model agencies were made. The name Brunel appeared in connection with Epstein in 2008. At the time, Epstein was convicted of sexually abusing underage girls.

There are some things we will not get answers for.

Anne-Claire Le Jeune – Attorney for a victim

Anne-Claire Le Jeune spoke on Saturday of the “frustration and bitterness of not being able to get justice, like the victims of Epstein”. The process ends with his death.

Causa Epstein has no end: his ex-partner is being tried in the USA

In the US at the end of December 2021, Epstein’s ex-partner, Ghislaine Maxwell, was found guilty. The jury in New York ruled that she played a central role in building Epstein’s abuse ring.

On June 28, the sentence for the 60-year-old will be announced. In this case, several decades of imprisonment are possible. (lm with dpa and afp)

The Epstein case had wide circles, Prince Andrew also came into the focus of the authorities, but there will be no trial.

In general, we do not report suicides, lest such cases encourage potential imitators. Reporting only takes place if the circumstances receive special public attention. If you or someone you know is suffering from an existential life crisis or depression, please contact the telephone counseling service on: 0800-1110111. Help with depression and other psychological emergency situations is also available at The Frankfurt Crisis Service also offers help on 069-611375. Further information can be found on the website

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