NewsEvery third male cheater does it regularly

Every third male cheater does it regularly

How do the Germans feel about loyalty in the partnership? For the vast majority, it is the most important quality of their partners.

Munich / Berlin – Almost every fourth man in Germany (23.9 percent) confesses to being unfaithful in his partnership, according to a survey commissioned by the magazine “Playboy”. More than one in three (34.5 percent) describes themselves as a notorious cheater with infidelities at every opportunity.

According to the representative survey by the Norstat opinion polling institute, women are more likely than men to believe in their affairs (26 percent). According to this, they mainly have sex outside of their relationship when they are unhappy in the partnership (32.6 percent).

As the “Playboy” continues to write, three out of four women (78.4 percent) are loyalty in a partnership as the most important characteristic of a relationship. According to the evaluation, 68.5 percent of the men surveyed are also important in their partnership. And: women (63.7 percent) keep their affair a little more often than men (62.9 percent).

When it comes to forgiveness, men are more generous – 30.6 percent would turn a blind eye, while women are less willing to do so (25.6 percent). Overall, according to the survey, 73.6 percent of women and men across Germany consider loyalty to be by far the most important quality of their partners. dpa

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