NewsFamily rescues completely neglected dog - from shocking circumstances

Family rescues completely neglected dog – from shocking circumstances

Two young women saved a pit bull from a devastating situation. Now they have adopted the bitch and are lovingly nurturing her again.

Palmerton – That rescue came just in time. Two sisters-in-law from Palmerton, Pennsylvania, USA found an emaciated, neglected and injured dog in an extremely unexpected place. This must have simply been left behind by its old owners – without food or water. Bitch "Remi", as she was christened by the two young women, was severely traumatized and frightened when she was found – but quickly developed a great deal of trust in her rescuers. How long the abandoned bitch had to make ends meet on her own cannot be said. But the injuries that “Remi” brought with her speak for themselves. * reveals where the two sisters-in-law found the abandoned bitch.

The young pit bull lady was emaciated and covered in fleas, had a broken leg, infected ears and broken teeth. She was also plagued by extreme fear of loss. Every time her rescuers left the room, the bitch howled loudly. At the moment, however, she is clearly on the mend. * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.

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